Willy Looyen
Throughout my career as an artist, I have created visual works using various media. I pursued my education at the Rietveld Academie, specializing in sculpture, and also attended the Rijksacademie, focusing on visual communication.
Following my training, I primarily delved into sculpting, producing commissioned pieces showcased in diverse galleries and museums. In 1994, I embarked on a new artistic journey, exploring the realm of installations. Working on-site provided me with an invigorating experience, allowing me to approach each new environment with an open mind and immerse myself completely within it. These installations were crafted in various locations across the Netherlands and abroad until the birth of my children altered my circumstances. Consequently, I shifted my focus to smaller-scale works, such as drawings and mixed media pieces
Now that my children have left home, I can once again dedicate myself more fully to my artistic career.
In March 2023, I held a solo exhibition at a gallery, where I not only showcased my artwork but also took charge of the design and writing for “Eye Mirror Face,” a publication featuring my works. Last May, I had the opportunity to reside in the graphic studio in Amsterdam (AGA LAB), where I worked on a series titled “De Verdedigers.” Through my recent visual work, I aim to express my profound admiration for activists that fight against different forms of oppression. Through works like “People of our Time” (2017-), “Provisional Memory of a Decade” (2020-), “Polyfone Homage” (2022), “Tribute to TMWMW” (Denis Mukwege, 2022), and “De Verdedigers” (2023I aim to show deep respect and admiration. “De Verdedigers” comprises of screen-printed portraits of human rights activists. In addition to these thematic series, I also create independent pieces, such as “Plein Passanten.”
My artistic practice encompasses a wide range of media, as I am constantly driven to experiment and challenge myself. Whether it is by creating works in unfamiliar locations or mastering new techniques and incorporating them into my art, I believe that living and creating are in constant dialogue with one another
1982 – 1986 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, beeldhouwen, Amsterdam
1982 – 1983 Rijksacademie, visuele communicatie, Amsterdam
1974 – 1980 Lerarenopleiding V.L.V.U, Amsterdam
tweedegraad textiele werkvormen, derde graad handvaardigheid
2024 Tribute to TMWMW, Arttra, Amsterdam
2223 De vele geizichten van Willy Looyen, Arttra, Amsterdam
2010 Croxhapox, Gent
2009 Achter de Ramen, Amsterdam
2009 Arttra, Amsterdam
2008 Vertekend moment, Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, Amsterdam
2007 Getekende dialoog CBK Zuidoost Amsterdam
2007 Tekens, Arttra, Amsterdam
2007 Papieren ontmoetingen, KREK, Kunstruimte, Alkmaar
2006 Tekeningen aan huis, Amsterdam
2006 Keer, Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, Amsterdam
2005 Bold/Bald, Franjo studio’s, Amsterdam
1997 Zucht, Herman Molendijk Stichting, Amersfoort
1997 Lumen travo, Amsterdam
1995 House of correction, M.K. expositie ruimte, Rotterdam
1995 De verzegelde bron, Librije, Zwolle
1994 Stiff, Kunstruimte Kampen, Kampen
1994 Verstervingen, Mariakapel, Stichting de Achterstraat, Hoorn
1994 Questioning our protection, Lokaal 01, Breda
1992 Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, Amsterdam
1990 Suzanne Biederberg Gallery, Amsterdam
2023 Nieuwe leden Arti& Amicitae
2023 Presentatie AGA LAB, De Bouwput
2018 Zomersalon, Reuten Galerie
2017 Portret, Reuten Galerie
2016 Prelude, Reuten Galerie
2014 Affordable Art Fair, Reuten Galerie, Maastricht
2014 Tefafparade. Reuten Galerie, Maastricht
2013 Amsterdamse kunstkalender, Amsterdam
2012 AmsterdamDrawing/ Reuten Galerie
2011 Reuten Galerie, Amsterdam
2009 Trail of Confusion, Het Glazen huis, Amstelpark
2007 HUIS, Villa Zebra, Rotterdam
2007 Paulo post futurum, Breda’s Museum, Breda
2007 Lonkende licht fonteinen, De Kring, Amsterdam
2005 PrintRoom, Hotel Mariakapel, Hoorn
1998 Opera, Artis,’sHertogenbosch
1997 ML and Friends, Streetvoice, Keulen
1997 Dortmunder Kunstsupermarkt, Kunstlerhaus Dortmund
1997 What am I doing here, Amsterdam, Keulen en Praag
1997 De Avonden, Begane Grond, Utrecht
1996 Sub Rosa, Plasy Monastery, Tsjechië
1994 NY-NL-XX, Gemeentemuseum, Helmond
1994 Caravanserail, W139, Amsterdam
1994 Fungus, Plasy Monastery, Tsjechië
1993 De aanraking – de huid, Gallerie Stelling, Leiden
1990 Kunst Rai, Amsterdam
1984 Met verve belicht, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam
2023 Air AGA LAB, Amsterdam
2023 Gowry art Residency, India
2007 Glass Furnace, Istanbul, Turkye
2023 Artist Talk/ presentatie uitgave OOG SPIEGEL GEZICHT, Arttra, Amsterdam
2008 Getekende dialoog, Intercultureel centrum de Bloem, Amsterdam
2008 Getekende Diaoloog, Kunst en Koningsduin, Bergen
2007 Getekende dialoog, CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam
1993 B.K.B. opdracht, Gemeente Amsterdam
1992 Goverwelle, schetsopdracht, Gouda
1991 Ars memorativa, Bejaardentehuis Het Schouw, beeld in het kader
Van een kleinschalige opdracht van de Gemeente Amsterdam
2007 Papieren ontmoetingen, Noord-Hollands Dagblad
2007 Papieren ontmoetingen, Alkmaarse Courant.
2006- Nancy Lobbes, Kunst in al zijn heftigheid, Dwars door de buurt
2006 Alex de Vries, Kunst van de dag, Willy Looyen, www.galeries.nl
1996 Stichting Kunstruimte Kampen, 47 projecten, 69 kunstenaars
1996 Elf jaar bijzondere kunst, De Achterstraat, Hoorn
1995 W.de Jong, Een briefje van tien met een verhaal, De Volkskrant (12-04)
1995 W.de Jong, Maker van poëzie-tientje wil anoniem blijven, De Volkskrant (15-04)
1994 NY-NL-XX, Gemeentemuseum, Helmond
1994 De aanraking – de huid, Galerie Stelling, Leiden
1991 Willy Looyen – de ziende hand, het voelend oog, Ruimte
UITGAVEN, in eigen beheer
2010 Haar me–moir-es, Foto’s tekeningen, collages
2008 Getekende dialoog, tekeningenproject
2008- Papieren communicatie, tekeningenproject, Alkmaar
2006 Jij nu, nu Jij, tekeningenproject, Yamal Uchime en Willy Looyen
2006 Keer, tekeningen
2004 LOOS, foto’s
Stipendia en subsidies
2023 Fonds Kwadraat
2023 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
2009 Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
1998 Werkbeurs, Fonds voor Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
1996 Basisstipendium, Fonds voor Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst
People of our Time Behrouz Boochani
2019 – Mixed media photo
Polyfone homage Park Sang Hak
2022 – Mixed media, A3 kopie
Tribute to TMWMW_ Denis Mukwege
2022 – 28x32cm – Mixed collage, photo, paper
Tribute to TMWMW
2022 – 28x30cm – Mixed media – collage
Plein Passanten
2022 – Mixed media, Photo, paper A3