I was born in Bergamo in 1974, growing up in the province of Lecce, which I leave to continue my studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. From 2007 to 2011, I live in Berlin, where among other activities I work with the international project Happenstudio, Platform for contemporary art.
It is precisely in these years that I begin to make use of different media (painting, photography, installation, video) to treat issues related to the social and political condition of the world population and its relationship with the environment. My work ranges from visual art to theatre performance and art therapy applied to various social issues.
100X100 Libri d’artista, Museo Marino Marini, curated by Alessandra Scappini e Spela Zidar (Fi).
100X100 LIBRI D’ARTISTA, Associazione SINCRESIS , curated by Alessandra Scappini e Spela Zidar, Empoli.
Artist in residence and other projects
Finalist of Exibart Prize 2021
27 May presented the Extrusion project at the conference “From scientific research to the management of the reeds of Lake Porta: experiences from the wetlands of Central Italy and local problems”, in collaboration with the University Museum System of the University of Florence and the Municipalities of Montignoso and Pietrasanta.
ArteFatti in natura, curated by Lorenzo belli, Casa museo Ugo Guidi, Forte dei Marmi (LU), Italy.
Raccontami di te, curated by Stefania Balestri, Frittelli Arte Contemporanea, Florence, Italy.
CAPITALOCENE – Saran buone le zucche sul Pianeta B?, RiCreazione, curated by collettivo Dada Boom, Viareggio (LU), Italy.
139 x 100 exhibition Vol. 3, curated by Piero Chiariello, Torre del Greco (Na), Italy.
Com’è bella la mia giungla di vetro, curated by Irene Panzani, Simposio Giungla domestica, Orto botanico, Lucca.
„TO SE NIJE DOGODILO!“, curated by Ulus, Belgrado, Croatia.
Artist in residence and other projects
The flashback special project, Opera Viva Barriera di Milano, il Manifesto, curated by Christian Caliandro Project by Alessandro Bulgini, Turin, Italy.
Naturalia | lamontagnacheparla3 – percorsi di vicinanza, curated by Orzoluna, Panicagliora (PT).
FAMA: Laboratorio Metastabile, for Scuola popolare di Villa Romana, Firenze.
T.A.Z. 5, Arte attraverso la lente d’ingrandimento, mini rivista ad assemblaggio, curated by Vittore Baroni.
Selected for WC WAVING CARPET and CRAC, by DART Villa Verlicchi, Lavezzola (RA).
DEI FUNK WuK, curated by Jens Besser, Dresda (DE).
Ghost Attractor, FAMA For Artists for a Metastable Art (V.Lapolla, R.Morellet, E.Sauer, T.Villani), Mom Art Space, Hamburg, DE.
“Mi sono distratto un attimo… Venti anni di arte contemporanea”, curated by Nicola Ricci, VÔTRE spazi contemporanei, Carrara.
“Atlas of particles – Are you predictable?”, presso Art Pavilion “Cvijeta Zuzorić”, Belgrado, Serbia.
BAU. Contenitore di cultura contemporanea 2004-2020, Gamec, La spezia, Italy.
Artist in residence and other projects
Festivalu Alternative film video 2020, Belgrado, Serbia.
+++ Papergirl Dresden +++, Ausstellung – Gesprächsrunde – Verteilen der Kunstrollen, Dresden, Germany
GINA X, Casa delle artiste, degli artisti- Regalami una parola, Milano.
Ti regalo un’idea, curated by Michela Eremita for Santa Maria della Scala Siena Children’s Art Museum, Italy.
Casa Masaccio Lab, curated by Serena Trinchero, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR).
Estrusione, Massaciuccoli, Oasi Lipu.
Open Studio, Villa Romana, Florence
Video W8TofF8T for the review Not only sigarettes curated by Luca Leggero, Cube Gallery
Sguardi, curated by Serena Trinchero, Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR)
Video 2012 for the review Chi ha paura non sa nulla/GRUPPO SEMI CATTIVI INSTALLAZIONE AUDIO VISIVA CON AZIONE TEATRALE, Carrara
Artist in residence and other projects
Performer for the Finita performance of the artist Mariana Rocha, Tenuta Dello Scompiglio, Vorno (LU)
Workshop Traguardare, BiancoValente, Teatro Koreja, Aradeo (LE)
Simposio Utopia-Reale, Borca di Cadore, Ex Villaggio Eni.
Solo exhibition
Io nell’epoca dell’autorappresentazione digitale, by Passaggi Arte Contemporanea, Pisa
L’isola, partecipatory project by SmArt -polo per l’arte, Roma
“Quite concrete”, La deviation, Marseille
Annual exhibition of the acquisitions, Archivio italiano dell’autoritratto fotografico, curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Senigallia Rocca Roveresca
Border Off curated by Spazio Off and Serena Becagli, Pontassieve
Manifesto metastabile for BAUOut -vie d’uscite possibili, presented in Triennale, Milano and Gamc, Viareggio, curated by BAU Collective
Creative Wear fest + TCBL_night, by Artforms, Prato
Noplace4, Santo Stefano Magra
Artist in residence and other projects
Artist in residence, La deviation, L’estaque (Mareseille)
Fuori dal trecciato for Nottilucente, cultureattive, San Gimignano
Solo exhibition
“Tra le pieghe”, for Limiti inchiusi, curated by Matteo Innocenti and Silvia Valente, San giuliano del Sannio (CB)
Un sentiero di segni / Arte e Ambiente, Sincresis, Empoli
IO VEDO IO GUARDO curated byAnnalisa Cattani, Spazio Novella Guerra – Imola (BO)
Pubbliche Intimità, curated by Passaggi Arte contemporanea, (BO)
«Skūmaz» (Lapolla, Morellet, Sauer, Villani), Villa Romana (Pavillon), (FI).
Artist in residence and other projects
Vis à Vis – Fuoriluogo, Limiti inchiusi, San giuliano del Sannio (CB)
Municipality Of San Giuliano del Sannio (CB)
Solo exhibition
FUORI DAL TRECCIATO (DENTRO CASA MANNOZZI), curated by Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR)
Opere Aperte 02, Intrecci e grovigli, by Emanuela Baldi, Manuela Mancioppi, Tatiana Villani,Mumat, Vernio (PO)
Körperland, solo show curated by Alessandra Ioalé, Galleria Passaggi Arte Contemporanea (Pi)
ULUS Triennial for Expanded Media, Belgrade
TEACH BACK (insegnamento di ritorno), Careof, Milano
Milano Dress Codex BAU nr.13 – GAMC, Viareggio | Galleria Paola Raffo Arte Contemporanea, Pietrasanta | Artforms, Prato | Museo del 900, (MI)
Artist in residence and other projects
TAI Tuscan Art Industry, Prato (IT)
Workshop by Radical Intentions at Carico Massimo, “Esercizi”, Livorno
Workshop by Annie Raw -“arte partecipativa” at Fondazione Vivarelli, Pistoia
MUSINF, Senigallia
MuMaT, Vernio (PO)
Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR)
Solo exhibition
(dis)cover, performance 1 to 1, The Others art fair, curated by Alessandra Ioalé, Galleria Passaggi Arte Contemporanea
Leo Ex Machina exhibition and performance curated by Bau, Gamc, Viareggio;
Vitamine, Archivio Carlo Palli(Po) curated by Laura Monaldi in: Firenze, Museo Novecento; Viareggio, GAMC; Rovereto, MART; Prato, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea “Luigi Pecci”; Lastra a Signa (FI), Villa Caruso; Dolcè (VR), Bosco dei poeti; Carmignano (PO), Spazio d’Arte Alberto Moretti | Schema Polis
Art movie”, Studio 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, curated by di Filippo Basetti, Pistoia IT
Artist in residence and other projects
Schmiede, artist in residence and exhibition, Hallein, Austria
Archivio Palli
Vancouver Biennal 2014/2016, with the project “Ho un sogno”
call01 curated by Atypo 2014, Gllery Delio Gennai, Pisa
Museo Luigi Pecci, Prato, video La prima volta, by Tatiana Villani and Luca Leggero
Artist in residence and other projects
video contribution for “Piazza dell’immaginario”, Dryphoto Prato
Performance with Manuel Perna in “Sarajevo Walking Tours” by Valentina Lapolla, Invasion Prato-Sarajevo
Performer for Latin Parade, Macao, China
Maker faire, Roma, as artist in collaboration with Hacker space Unterwelt
Festival Amitie, video “2012”, nomination, Bologna
Take part as artist and supervisor to the project PNEUMAtic circUS curated by Vittore Baroni, festival Transmediale, museo Haus der kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Solo exhibition
Galleria Paola Raffo a cura di Gaia Querci, Pietrasanta
Metaproject, Hallway-gallery LiberSPACE, Zagabria, Croazia
Performance NET, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce – Genova
Video Koerperland, Museo Lu.C.C.A., Lucca
DARWIN DAY 2012: FALSI MITI, a cura di Manrica Rotili, Università di Torvergata, Roma
Artist in residence and other projects
“Sowing Seeds” con la performance “Sewing or sowing”, Kamanart foundation, Jodhpur, India
Hallway-gallery LiberSPACE, Zagabria, Croazia
“Beingeverywhere”, Berlin
“the Wall (archives) #4”, Archiviazioni, Lecce, curato da Pietro Gaglianò
Artist in residence and other projects
Masterclass “Default” Lecce, residence presso Ramdom
2017 – 35 cm – still in progress, ambientali, installazione effimera
Fuori dal trecciato
2015 – still in progress, ambientali, performance e tessuto
2021 – dimensioni variabili – ceramica, vetro e tessuto
2021 – dimensioni ambientali – ceramica in natura
Pareidolia01, From Pecore elettriche series
2020 – Fotografia digitale prodotta con una GAN net