Paola Romoli Venturi
My name is Paola Romoli Venturi I was born, live and work in Rome. My research is linked to the value of transparency as a means to communicate.
‘Transparency and suspension prepare the visitor to “look through”, not to look away, to observe things to reflect’ this is the inspiring thought of my performances and installations exhibited in Italy and abroad. In my work I deal with social themes, creating spaces designed by lights, shadows, and sounds.
I use different pictorial, sculptural means of expression, audio, video, and site-specific performative installations.
Personal exhibitions and site specific installations
2019 ‘ROVESCIARE ‘- MacroAsilo Ambiente#2 – MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2019 ‘Saluti da Carrara! ‘- Galleria AOSF58 Bruno Lisi, Rome
2019 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA!’ site specific installation, Giornata del Mare Passeggiata Morin La Spezia
2019 ‘SOGNO SON DESTO’ site specific installation, Atelier Macro Asilo, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2017 ‘MEMORIE#ESTASI’, various places: Santa Maria in Cappella Rome, Palazzo Principe Genoa, Castello Doria Dolceacqua IM, Chiostro di Santa Caterina Finale Ligure SV, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj Rome
2017 ‘WE’, installazione site specific and performance, event ‘diritti in transito’, EX DOGANA, Rome
2016 ‘ON DEMAND’ RAWromeartweek, spazio Z_ONE, Rome
2016 ‘CAOS, CASO, OSA, SA, O.‘- Carrara Marble Weeks Parkour, Carrara
2016 ‘AD PINEAM‘ site specific installation, intrecciatella Rotary Cassia event, Santa Maria in Cappella Church Square, Rome
2016 ‘La Sentenza_Das Urteil‘ event diritti in transito, EX DOGANA, Rome
2015 ‘ISOLA_Pacific Trash Vortex‘ site specific installation, 11th Contemporary Day AMACI, Santa Maria in Cappella Church Square, Rome
2015 ‘MOLTI MOLTA MOLTE‘,curated by Anna Baldini, Interno 14, Rome
2013 ‘ISOLE_Pacific Trash Vortex‘, spazio temporary project, Hotel Sirenetta, Ostia, Lido of Rome
2013 REPERTI festival verde coprente, Museo Civico Archeologico and Pinacoteca ‘E. Rosa’ of Amelia
2013 ‘Mirror Carpet_ flusso vitale’, site specific installation private house,Rome
2010 ‘La Sentenza_Das Urteil’ curated by Simonetta Martelli and Stefan-Maria Mittendorf, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich
2008 ‘one day ‘, 4th Contemporary Day AMACI, Antiquadomus Via Coronari, Rome
2008 ‘Instant Art_vedova di guerra_Alesandra‘, Caffè Chinese Art Gallery, Via Santa Chiara, Turin
2007 ‘Traspaquadri itinerari‘‘,Church of Santa Maria della Spina, Monumental complex of Cittadella, Hall Royal Victoria Hotel,foyer Teatro Verdi, entrance hall of Palazzo Gambacorti, Pisa
2007 ‘Wunderkammer_la stanza delle meraviglie‘, Galleria 196 Via dei Coronari, Rome
2006 ‘tarlatane’, IIC Italian Cultural Institute of Istanbul – MSGSÜ Tophane-i Amire, Istanbul
2005 ‘Traspaquadri2‘, Galleria 196, Via dei Coronari, Rome
2004 ‘Traspaquadri’, Fotofficina, Rome
1996 ‘Eremi i luoghi della luce’, Fumone (FR)
2020 ‘Il Cappello del Momento!’ online and offline actions, 16th Contemporary Day AMACI, Rome
2020 ‘Non riesco a tornare a casa.’, performative installation, Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio Rome of the Gallery UNO in Berlin, Rome
2019 ‘SPERANZA’, MACROasilo, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2019 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA! participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, Giornata del Mare 2019 – Passeggiata Morin, La Spezia
2019 ‘Mantra Reading#7’, MACROasilo, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2019 ‘BASOLO’s sound’ musical improvisations by Pasquale Innarella, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2019 ‘Condannato>Libero‘, foyer MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2018 ‘Mantra Reading#6‘, sala Roma, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2017- ‘la scaglia’ opening Memorie#Estasi Palazzo Doria Pamphilj Rome
2017 ‘Mantra Reading#face to face’, Ex Carcere mandamentale by Montefiascone (VT)
2017 ‘MOLTI MOLTA MOLTE’, site specific installation and performance, PAN museum, Naples
2017 ‘WE’ during MAAMartiste #2 Montanino, Panzera, Corpo delle Donne Adragna, MACRO museum, RM
2016 ‘Mantra Reading#5’, MAAM_ meeting Marc Augè, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove, Rome
2016 ‘WE’, Archivio Menna/Binga, Rome
2016 ‘Mantra Reading#1’, event ‘diritti in transito’, EX DOGANA, Rome
2016 ‘Condannato>Libero#3’ performative installation, event ‘diritti in transito’, EX DOGANA, Rome
2016 ‘WE’, maam is4ever, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz , Rome
2016 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA! participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, Feltrinelli bookshop,Rome
2015 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA! participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, smART pole for contemporary art, Rome
2015 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA! participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, Rotary Cassia, Home for the elderly S. Francesca Romana, Rome
2015 ‘Mantra Reading#0’, event ‘festa d’inverno’, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz, Rome
2015 ‘ISOLA a Torano‘, Torano, Carrara (exhibited at the Museo Civico del Marmo of Carrara)
2015 ‘ISOLA al Mercato Italia – scienza nei mercati’, Biennial of Public Space, Rome
2015 ‘ISOLA nel Villaggio‘- event ‘festa per tutti’, Legambiente,Piazza Grecia, Rome
2014 ‘IL MARE AL MAAM’, participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, Metropoliz Playroom, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove, Rome
2014 ‘SALVA LA TUA BALENA! participatory and reflexive performance and workshops, Explora , museum Rome
2014 ‘ISOLA nel Villaggio‘- pilot of the PTV_Paola Trash Vortex project realized at the Villaggio Olimpico in Rome with: As. Villaggio dei Bambini and Green Cross Italia, Municipio II Rome
2013 ‘ISOLA_lungomare di Roma‘, seafront promenade Ostia Lido, X municipio, Rome
2013 ‘il gioco’, Crocetti museum, Rome
2012 ‘My life My home My work’ open studio, 8th Contemporary Day AMACI, Rome
2011 ‘Condannato>Libero#2’ for the 7th Contemporary Day AMACI, Rome
2011 ‘gli ITALIANI sono già in fila’, Centrale Preneste theater, Roma
2010 ‘CONDANNATO>LIBERO’, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich
Group exhibitions
2022 ‘Exploded View Art and Research on Layered Landscapes in Transition’ curated by K.Clevis, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
2021 ‘LAZZARO Art doesn’t sleep tribute at Museo delle Periferie’ curated by Claudia Pecoraro Laura Mega, September14, arena Tor Bella Monaca theater, Roma and Mothership NYC to Brooklyn, New York.
2021 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco” curated by Manuela De Leonardis, Palazzo Fruscione,Salerno
2021 ‘White Carrara Downtown’ curated by Emma Castè, piazza Garibaldi, Carrara
2021 ‘Hortus Conclusus’, curated by Elvio Moretti and Roberta Melasecca, Acqualagna- Furlo, PU
2021 ‘4finestre’, IPER il Festival delle Periferie, Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio, Rome
2021 ‘ROMA città aperta’ studio visit curated by Raffaella Frascarelli Sabrina Vedovotto, NomasFoundation
2020 ‘Endecameron 20 digital edition’ curated by Francesca Fini, Castello di Rocca Sinibalda, Rieti
2020 ‘LAZZARO Art doesn’t sleep’ curated by Claudia Pecoraro Laura Mega, May 17, Rome/New York
2020 ‘TRANSFUSIONI#omaggio a Costantino Dardi’ curated by Anna D’Elia, Lavatoio Contumaciale, Rome
2019 ‘Exploded View Art and Research on Layered Landscapes in Transition’ curated by K.Clevis, Ex Cartiera Latina, Rome
2019 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco” curated by Manuela De Leonardis, Auditorium diocesano La Vallisa, Bari
2019 ‘Ingombri_ l’altro altrove’ curated by Giorgio de Finis, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome
2019 ‘BRINDIFISH’, curated by Ilaria Cravaglio, Ex Chiostro di S. Paolo, Brindisi
2018 ‘Vallicelliana project showcase’, curated by J. Pignatelli, P. Paesano, Salone Borrominiano, Vallicelliana Library, Rome
2018 ‘EMERSIONI’ curated by E Di Vici, O Fregosi, F Rolla, FM Terzago, hall museo CARMI, Carrara
2018 ‘CARRARA STUDI APERTI 2018’, video installation ‘Saluti da Carrara! il profilo’, Carrara
2018 digital project ONE by G. D’Alonzo contribution ‘WE’ video supplication’…’
2018 ‘6th Tiny Biennale: NOTTE_NIGHT’, curated by S. Moore, S. Wasserman, Temple Gallery, Rome
2018 ‘DIMENSIONE FRAGILE’ curated by J. Pignatelli, P. Paesano, Salone Borrominiano, Vallicelliana Library, Rome
2018 ‘Exploded View’, research project on the Via Appia commissioned by Krien Clevis, Rome
2017 ‘TRANSFUSIONI#sul filo del desiderio’ curated by Anna D’Elia, Archivio Menna/Binga, Rome
2017 ‘FACE TO FACE’ curated by Giorgio De Finis, Ex Carcere mandamentale, Montefiascone VT
2017 ‘ECO ed EGO – Happy Earth Days 2017’, PAN Museum, Naples
2017 ‘il museo dovunque’ curated by Giorgio de Finis, DIF Palazzo Chigi, Formello RM
2016 ‘ECOSISTEMI’ curated by Carlotta Mazzoli and Silvia Bellotti, Fondazione Biagiotti Progetto Arte Florence
2016 ‘MEZZA GALERA resilienza’ curated by Giorgio de Finis, Ex Carcere mandamentale Montefiascone VT
2016 ‘TRANSFUSIONI#0 Ketty La Rocca/Tomaso Binga Paola Romoli Venturi Silvia Stucky’ curated by Anna D’Elia, Archivio Menna/Binga Rome
2016 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco”, Teatro Stabile Comunale, Isola del Liri FR
2016 ‘TOTEM’ curated by Takewaygallery, le artigiane, Rome
2015 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco” curated by Manuela De Leonardis, La Stellina, Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Rome
2015 ‘Torano notte e giorno’ curated by Emma Castè, participatory performance ‘ISOLA a Torano‘, Torano MS
2015 ‘Tra lʹimbra e lʹambra’, Land Art at Furlo VI edition, Fossombrone Pesaro
2015 ‘festa d’estate’, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz, Rome
2015 ‘Genius noci’ curated by Anna D’Elia, Orto Botanico Museum, Rome
2015 ‘ portafortuna’, spazio Y Rome and V.A.R.C.O. L’Aquila, different locations
2014 ‘Il museo sulla Luna’ curated by Giorgio de Finis, Interno 14 Rome
2014 ‘Rebirth-day [and night]’, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz, Rome
2014 ‘fotografRARE- solidarietà per la ricerca’, Santa Marta al Collegio Romano Church, Rome
2013 ‘21?12 Extra Ordinary Day’, MAAM Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove Metropoliz , Rome
2013 ‘CARTA PIETRA LEGNO FIORI … PLASTICA’, Galleria Fondaco, Rome
2013 ‘Animali o uomini quale specie è meglio conservare?’ curated by Miriam Castelnuovo, Centro Polifunzionale Bioparco, Rome
2013 ‘the Italian Dream – M’AMA’Art – Moda, Arte e Design’,MDM Museum, Porto Cervo
2013 ‘VITALI SENSI’ curated by Miriam Castelnuovo, Crocetti Museum, Rome
2013 ‘LIBER LIBRI’, Studio Gennai, Pisa
2012 ‘UNE LUMIERE DANS MON LIVRE’ curated by Vittoria Biasi, Galleria Vera Amsellem, Paris
2012 ‘LIBERtà – libri d’artista’, Fornace Pasquinucci, Capraia Fiorentina, Florence
2012 ‘FABULA IN ART IV° ediz.’, Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro, Rome
2012 ‘2VIDEO – rassegna trasversale’ artist’s videos ‘RESPIRI’ curated by Giovanni Viceconte UNDO.net
2011 ‘2VIDEO – rassegna trasversale’ artist’s videos ‘LINGUAGGI’ curated by Giovanni Viceconte UNDO.net
2011 ‘Atelier+Guest _ for the 7th AMACI Contemporary Art Day’, Rome
2011 ‘LIBERtà libri d’artista’, SMS Museum and Studio Gennai, Pisa
2010 ‘the state of the art!’ curated by Luisa Conte, Romanian Academy of Rome
2009 ‘Pane al Pane – artist’s books’, Library of Philosophy and History,, Pisa
2009 ‘artisti con bagaglio al seguito’, Presidential Hall Stazione Ostiense, Rome
2009 ‘Io, gli Altri’, Italo Calvino Civic Library, Turin
2008 ArtecontemporaneamodernaRoma, art fair, stand Galleria 196, Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome
2008 ’DONNE’, Tina Parotti contemporary art gallery2000-Via Statuto, Milan
1994 ‘Artisti contemporanei a confronto’, Spazio Visivo, Rome
2020 ‘Endecameron 20 digital edition’, virtual residence, Rocca Sinibalda Castle, Rieti
2010 Künstlerhaus Villa Waldberta , Munich
2008 “Degrado 4 U” with CUOGHI CORSELLO, WALLS ON WALLS OFF project curated by Stefano Coletto coordination by- Fondazione Teseco per l’Arte, Pisa
Graduation thesis with object of study, exhibitions and performances by Paola Romoli Venturi
2013/2014 ‘Roberto Saviano e Gomorra: dalle librerie alle gallerie’, by Nadia Pedot, University of Trento, Department of Letters and Philosophy, Degree Course in Sciences of Cultural Heritage, Historical and artistic path, Academic year 2013-2014
2019/2020 ‘ROVESCIARE’, by Chiara Maggi, International Academy of Haute Couture and Costume Art KOEFIA European Bachelor of Professional Studies Design and History of Fashion, Academic Year 2019-2020
2021 ‘TRAME di letteratura comparata. I LINGUAGGI DELLA RIVOLUZIONE’, annual magazine curated by Raissa Raskina nd the Laboratory of Technology, Narrative and Language Analysis of the Department of Human, Social and Health Sciences of the University of Cassino and southern Lazio, article ‘Art Works! What Is Being Done’ by Jo Anna Isaak , Nuova editrice Universitaria
2021 “VEDERSCORRERE L’arte che salva” by Anna D’Elia, Meltemi editore
2019 ‘Land art al Furlo. Una storia lunga 10 anni.’ by Andreina De Tomassi, Elvio Moretti, Aras edizioni
2019 ‘FEMM[E] arte [eventualmente] femminile’ by V.Montanino , A. M. Panzera, Bordeaux edizioni
2018/19 ‘Il corpo delle Donne#1’ by Lori Adragna, INSIDEARTAUTORI
2017 ‘MAAM’ curated by Giorgio De Finis, Bordeaux edizioni
2015 ‘FORZA TUTT* La Barricata dell’Arte’ curated by Giorgio De Finis, Bordeaux edizioni
2014 ‘Accademia Costume&Moda 1964 2014’ curated by M.Napoli Rampolla and A. Mancinelli, Palombi Editore
2014 ‘Oikonomia. L’arte di vivere Ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile, qualità della vita.’,by Alberto Michelini, series JUS, Gangemi
2013 ‘n.5 A.R.I.A. visual magazine DE SIDERIO DI SASTRO’,Rome
2013 ‘n.4 A.R.I.A. c’era una volta una volta sola visual magazine, galleria Wunderkamern, Rome
2012 ‘n.3 A.R.I.A. underground A REASON TO GO OUT FROM HOME visual magazine, Metropoliz, Rome
2012 ‘n.2 A.R.I.A. underground NON SI SA POI COSA visual magazine’, Fondazione VOLUME!, Rome
2012 ‘n.1 A.R.I.A. underground ROSSO visual magazine, MACRO area, Rome
art exhibition catalogs
2021 ‘Exploded View Art and Research on Layered Landscapes in Transition’ curated by Krien Clevis and Gert-Jan Burgers, CLUE+ publication
2020 ‘TRANSFUSIONI 2016/2020’ curated by Anna D’Elia, edizioni Fuis
2020 ‘Ingombri_ l’altro altrove.’ series 16’ MACRO ASILO DIARIO
2020 ‘atelier 26.01/11.12’, series 16’MACRO ASILO DIARIO
2019 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco” by Manuela De Leonardis, postmedia books
2018 ‘MOLTI MOLTA MOLTE‘- digital catalog, Interno 14 presStletter, Rome
2017 ‘MEMORIE#ESTASI’ critical text of Angelanreina Rorro, ed. Trust Floridi Doria Pamphilj
2017 ‘ECOSISTEMI’ curated by Carlotta Mazzoli and Silvia Bellotti, Fondazione Biagiotti Progetto Arte
2017 ‘FACE TO FACE’, curated by Giorgio De Finis,Bordeaux edizioni
2017 ‘DIF il museo dovunque’ curated by Giorgio De Finis, INSIDEARTAUTORI
2016 ‘MEZZA GALERA’ curated by Giorgio De Finis, Bordeaux edizioni
2015 “Il sangue delle donne. Tracce di rosso sul panno bianco” curated by Manuela De Leonardis, edizioni La Stellina
2014 ‘fotografRARE’, MIR Onlus
2013 ‘Animali o uomini quale specie è meglio conservare?’ by M. Castelnuovo, Davide Ghaleb Editore
2013 ‘the Italian Dream – M’AMA’Art – Moda, Arte e Design’, Silvana Editoriale
2013 ‘VITALI SENSI’ by M. Castelnuovo, editore 4coloriprimari
2012 ‘FABULA IN ART IV° ediz.’, series ‘Gli Orizzonti’, il Cigno GG Edizioni, Rome
2012 ‘International artist residence Villa Waldberta 2010’, publischer city of Munich
2011 ‘in LIBERtà – libri d’artista’ Edizioni ETS, Pisa
2010 ‘the state of the art di Luisa Conte‘- digital catalog, Stoler editore
2010 ‘La Sentenza_Das Urteil ‘-Pasinger Fabrik, Munich
2005 ‘Traspaquadri2’ series ‘quaderni in galleria’ n. 3, Editore Galleria 196 critical text of G. Granzotto
group exhibitions / design fairs
2008 ‘amouramorlove’, TAD Conceptstore -Via del Babuino, Rome
2007 ‘Blooming / Arte e Fiori’,TAD Conceptstore -Via del Babuino, Rome
2007 “Orecchietta dal gusto al design” curated by Anty Pansera, Fuori Salone del Salone del Mobile, Milan
2001 ‘Segno&Design’ The exhibitions of In Forma Azione, Rome
2001 ‘apriti sesamo’, curated by Simone Micheli, Abitare il tempo,Verona
2000 ‘…in che senso’ curated by P. D’Arrigo e R. Guaricci, In Forma Azione, Abitare il tempo, Verona
2000 ‘Sogni intorno al tempo’ curated by Simone Micheli, Abitare il tempo, Verona
2000 ‘Le arti e le opere’ – Fiera di Roma, Rome
2000 ‘INTOHOME 2000’, Birmingham, England
1999 ‘Pro-gettare’, curated by Giovanna Talocci, Abitare il tempo, Verona
1999 ‘Le arti e le opere’ – NataleOggi – Fiera di Roma, Rome
1998 ‘Appendiminimo’ curated by Simone Micheli, Abitare il tempo, Verona
1997 ‘Contenitori di solidi di liquidi e di sogni’ curated by K. Gavoille and S. Micheli, Abitare il tempo, Verona
1997 ‘Trend 2000 il gioco delle tendenze’, curated by SO.GE.SE, FIA ’97 Lisbon
1997 ‘Trend 2000 il gioco delle tendenze’, curated by SO.GE.SE, 61 °International Handicraft Market Exhibition, Fortezza da Basso, Florence
1995 ‘Arte e Artigianato Romano’, 43° Fiera di Roma, Pavilion C.C.I.A.A., Rome
1994/95 ‘Rivestimenti e decori’, QUARIT – Palazzo Marco Polo, Lacchiarella, Milan
1994 ‘ART CO ’94’, Maced Casa, Viterbo Fair
1994 ‘Giovani e Materia Ricerca e Tendenza 1994’, curated by SO.GE.SE, 58° International Handicraft Market Exhibition, Florence
catalogs of exhibitions and design fairs
2000 ‘Abitare il Tempo mostre di sperimentazione e ricerca’, Editore Veronafiere
1994.’Giovani e materia 94 ricerca e tendenza’, Editore Sogese
magazines / books design
2009 4A n 03/09, Editore 4° Media srl, article‘trasparenze ‘ by Sanda Sudor,
2007 casa 99 idee n. 119, Di Baio Editore, article‘leggerezza luce e colore‘ by Maria Galati
2007 casa 99 idee n.118, Di Baio Editore, article‘occupare il passato con segni forti ‘ by Maria Galati
2007 ambiente casa in n, 7 Edizioni dell’anna, article‘una casa mediterranea ‘
2006 progetti Roma n, 4 Editrice Quid article‘color factory‘ by Rosita Romeo
2006 progetti Roma n, 3 Editrice Quid article‘Lounge architecture‘ by Rosita Romeo
2006 FLARE Architectural Lighting Magazine n, 42 LighTech article‘volumi di luce‘
2006 DDN cucine international n, 2 article‘Laura House‘
2005 Gap Casa n, 195 Alberto Greco Editore article’percorsi luminosi’ by L. Pianzola
2005 1° fila n, 119 Editore Gelive spa article’quadri in dissolvenza’
2005 in town magazine n. inverno article‘nel segno delle donne‘ by M. Zerboni
2005 FLARE Architectural Lighting Magazine n, 39 LighTech article‘scansioni di luce e colori‘
2004 Rome Houses – teNeues article”casa via sebenico’
2004 Gap Casa n. 188 Alberto Greco Editore article’Interno romano’ by L. Pianzola
2004 Sur la terre Roma n. 11 article’Ode ai single’ by M. Zerboni
2004 Gap Casa n, 190 Alberto Greco Editore article’living space’ by L. Pianzola
2004 Atelier Bagno autunno/inverno04 Reed Business Information article‘rosso verde,nero’ by L. Pianzola
2004 Urban interiors in Italy 4 Ed.L’Archivolto article‘textures materiche’ by S. San Pietro A. Boisi
1995 D’A anno VI n. 19 Ed. Milo article’nel segno dell’arte e del genio’ by P.Gentile
COSTUME design
2013 ‘FARE COSTUMI vol. I Il lavoro del costumista – FARE COSTUMI vol. II Gli spazi e i materiali’, by Elisabetta Antico and Paola Romoli Venturi, DINO AUDINO editore
curating costume exhibitions
2015 ‘and the winner is:…Italy – costumi da Oscar’, sartoria THE ONE, Italian Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
theater – costume designer
2011 – ‘asilo’ text and direction by Tiziana Lucattini, production Ruota Libera
20010/2011 – ‘arteria 66’ text and direction by Tiziana Lucattini, production Ruota Libera
2008 – ‘scappa scappa, le caprette e il lupo’ text and direction by Tiziana Lucattini, production Ruota Libera
2006 – ‘Hammett n 3241′ text and direction by B.Proietti, Teatro Dell’orologio – Rome
2005 – ‘il clown e la bambina’ text and direction by T. Lucattini, production Ruota Libera
2004 – ‘il bambino che non c’è’ by Tiziana Lucattini, direction by D. De Florian, production Ruota Libera
2004 – ‘il mondo era tornato come prima’ by L.M. Musati, direction by S. Cardone, production Ass. Cult. Lab. O.Costa
2004 – ‘Saulo di Tarso’ text and direction by M. Belocchi, production Atelier
2003 – ‘Giulia Gonzaga’ by G. Aceto, direction by F. D’Avino, 16°festival ‘ville vesuviane’
2003 – ‘L’ultimo incubo di Edgard Allan Poe’ text and direction by B.Proietti, Teatro Dell’orologio – Rome
2002/03 Theater season ‘Teatro Stabile della Città di Formello’, production Accademia Nazionale delle Arti:
– “L’Isola degli Schiavi’ P.C.de Marivaux, direction by F. Tatulli,
– “33 Svenimenti’ A. Checov, direction by M. Belocchi
– “Vita di Galileo’ B. Brecht, direction by F. Tatulli
– ‘Gl’innamorati’ C. Goldoni direction by F. Tatulli
2002 – ‘Hollywood’ by J.L.Lagarge direction by R. Romei, production Acc. Naz. d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio D’Amico’
2002 – ‘l’accademia nelle scuole Italia 1945-55’, production Acc. Naz. d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio D’Amico’
2002 – ‘La dodicesima notte’ W. Shakespeare, direction by F. Tatulli, production Ass. Cult. L’Uccellino Azzurro
2002 – ‘Così è (se vi pare)’ L. Pirandello, direction by G.Santi, production Ass. Cult. L’Uccellino Azzurro
2002 – ‘Rudens’ Plauto, direction by S. Cardone, production Acc. Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica ‘Silvio D’Amico’
2002 – ‘La scuola dei mariti’ Moliere, direction by M. Belocchi, production Accademia Nazionale delle Arti
2002 – ‘Cirano di Bergerac’ E. Rostand, direction by F. Tatulli, production Accademia Nazionale delle Arti
2001 – ‘Gli occhi della notte’ F. Knott direction by M. Belocchi, production Stabile del Giallo
2001 – ‘La Giara, La Patente, Bellavita’ L. Pirandello direction by S. Cardone, production Accademia Nazionale delle Arti
2000 – ‘Giorni d’amore’ G. De Santis direction by F. D’Avino, production. Comune di Fondi
1996 – ‘La pietra di Celestino’ text and direction by G.d’Avino, production Comune di Fumone (FR)
1992 – ‘Il fantasma di Marsiglia’ J. Cocteau by and with G. Trasselli (set and costume designer)
1991 – ‘Pulcinea’ by A. Spanghero, direction by F. D’Avino, production compagnia Quintetto d’Aqua
1991 – ‘La terra desolata’ T. S. Eliot, direction by F. D’Avino, production compagnia Quintetto d’Aqua
1990 – ‘Gli Uccelli’ Aristofane, direction by T. Lucattini, production Cooperativa Ruota Libera
1988 – ‘Foreghet’ R. Piumini, event ‘La poesia in forma chiusa’ Alessandria (set and costume designer)
1988 – ‘Casina’ Plauto, direction by N. Anzelmo, production Comune di Mazzara del Vallo
1987 – ‘Cantata streveza per ottetto danzante’ by D. Citarella direction by R. Aronica
television – costume designer
1992 – ‘Cercasi Rossella provini per le dieci finaliste’, direction by A. Lattuada, production VlDEOTIME
1992 – ‘Galà per Rossella’ direction by E. Romio, production VIDEOTlME
cinema – costume designer
2002- ‘Il fiore in bocca’ direction by F. D’Avino, production Quintetto D’A – comune di Fondi
advertising – costume designer
2003 – SKY -Rivelazioni, direction by R.Grandi, production Frame by Frame
television – Assistant Costume Designer
1997/98 – 1996/97-‘Buona Domenica’ costume designer M. Simeone Production VIDEOTIME
1996 – ‘La febbre del venerdì sera’ costume designer M. Simeone Production VIDEOTIME
1992 – ‘Bulli e pupe’ costume designer M. Simeone Production VIDEOTIME
1991 – ‘Primadonna’ costume designer D. Rossi Production VIDEOTIME
1991 – ‘Non è la RAI’ costume designer D. Rossi Production VIDEOTIME
1991 – ‘La Corrida’ costume designer L. Sabatelli Production VIDEOTIME
cinema – Assistant costume designer
2003 – ‘Tu devi essere il lupo’, direction by V. Moroni, costume designer C. Ferrara, production Metafilm
2000 – ‘Le Mont Dajti’, direction by C. Fornari, costume designer C. Ferrara, production. Caviar
2000 – ‘Bodyguards’, direction by N. Parenti, costume designer V. Cozzolino, production Filmauro
2016 ph Marcello Leotta
2016 ph Marco Adinolfi
Non riesco a tornare a casa
2020 fotoperformance
ISOLA Torano
2015 ph Marco Adinolfi
WE ex dogana
2017 ph Marco Adinolfi