ART ACTION Domina Glass Ceiling
ART ACTION ecce dominus take a step firenze 2024…
PROGRAMLaura Monaldi in conversation with the artist Laura vdb Facchini Presentation of the project Women...
Mantova marzo 2024…
Art Action Parthenope Napoli..
On February 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm,the Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum will hostEcce Domina Partenope curated by...
Amaci 2023…
Art Action caro Pier Paolo…
ECCE DOMINUS. DEAR PIER PAOLOSaturday 18 March 2023 – 4:00 pmPerformance project by LAURA VDB FACCHINI,...
Home.Lessico Per Una Vita di Coppia…
HOME/ LESSICO PER LA VITA DI COPPIA press realise traslate Corporeal Cartography in the time of Covid by...
From Cajeta to Circe
L’Associazione WindMill ART POWER PLANTPress release, Choral Art Exibition from Cajeta to Circe
Matres Festival – II° edizione del Women Visual artists Databse
L’Associazione WindMill ART POWER PLANTComunicato stampa, II° edizione del Women Visual artist Database...
Press release 11 december 2021
L’Associazione WindMill ART POWER PLANTPress release, 11 December 2021On the day of the seventeenth edition of...
Ti Cancello
TI CANCELLO/ I CANCEL YOU mobile art action 25 novembre 2020 The Mobile Art Action TI CANCELLO/ I CANCEL YOU...
Press Release, Rome, February 15th, 2021
L’Associazione WindMill ART POWER PLANTPress Release, Rome, February 15th, 2021Press Release, Rome, February...
Roma Visiva 2021
Roma Visiva 2021video of the Art Action Florilegio di Laura VdB Facchini, curated by Wind Mill Roma Visiva...