
icia Galizia was born in Teramo in 1966.
She graduated in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of L’Aquila and then she specialized in Art History and Heritage Studies. She lives and works in L’Aquila and in Rome.
In 2004 she founded the cultural association P.A.C. “Project of contemporary art” (Progetto Arte Contemporanea) of which she is the legal representative.
She was Fabio Mauri’s student and, thanks to him, in 1986 she took part in the Gran Serata Futurista presented at the Teatro Goldoni in Venice.
From 1988 to 1991 she was also Piero Pizzi Cannella’s assistant in his studio (atelier) in Via degli Ausoni in Rome. In 1990 she started to exhibit her works and in 1992 she held her first personal exhibition at the gallery Mara Coccia in Rome; in the same year she was invited to participate in the Giovani Artisti IV exhibition at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome and in the FIAC, Fiera Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea in Paris.
In 1994, at the gallery A.A.M Architettura Arte Moderna, she presented an exhibition titled Configurazione di un Mutamento; with the same title, in 1995, she realized an installation at the Temple University Gallery of Rome.
In 1996 she took part in the Quadriennale and in 1998 in the Lavori in corso exhibition at the G.C.A.M.C. of Rome. In the same year, invited by the “Other Theatre” group choreographer, Lucia Latour, she joined the contemporary dance and visual art spectacle entitled Du vu du non vu which will be presented, besides various Italian theatres, also at the Dance International Festival Festival at the Balleteatro auditorium in Porto (2001).
In 2000 she exhibited at the Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea, at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, a work entitled Sistemi.
In 2002, with the composer, clarinettist Paolo Marchettini, she presented Interferenze of music and sculpture at the East Bastion of the Castello Cinquecentesco in L’Aquila and, in 2003, during the Notte Bianca in Rome, she proposed once again Interferenze with the ethnic vocalist Mauro Tiberi participation, at the Fastweb Spa office in Palazzo Sforza Cesarini. At the same time she presented an exhibition entitled Il testo retto at the gallery A.A.M Architettura Arte Modernaof Rome where she realized a great installation with the word in collaboration with the writer Rosa Pierno.
In 2005 she undertook an artistic collaboration with the composer Michelangelo Lupone with whom, in May 2006, at the Goethe Institut on the occasion of the International Biennial Exhibition “Arte Scienza 2006”, she presented the sound installation entitled “Studio 1° su volumi adattivi”; in the same year she was invited to the X° Biennal Exhibition of Architecture in Venice where she presented, at the Italian Pavilion (developed by Franco Purini with the artistic advice of Francesco Moschini), an artistic intervention on one of the Vema bridges, designed by the architects Menegatti and Nencini.
In 2007 she exhibited at the Galleria Livio Nardi of Nuremberg a personal exhibition entitled Costruttivo aggettante and, at the same time, she installed her works at the Kroyman Autohaus, Ferrari-Maserati always in Nuremberg.
In 2008 she participated at Experimenta, Farnesina new collection, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, and at the Sculpture Biennal Exhibition in Gubbio. In the same year, with the composer M. Lupone, she realized an adaptive installation entitled Musica in forma which was presented as première at the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade and, in March 2009, it was shown again at the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome and later in L’Aquila at the Scuola Sottufficiali della Guardia di Finanza Foyer of the Auditorium“ Gen. S Florio”, Summit G8 2009. Furthermore, on the occasion of the G8, it was selected to represent the contemporary Abruzzese sculpture at the exhibition 9×99.
Always in 2009 she met the maestro Claudio Abbado with whom she collaborated at the work “In volo” for the Orchestra Mozart project for Abruzzo“ Una casa per la musica” and, in December, she created the work entitled “Cielo” for the career award “Anna Luce” given to Lucio Dalla and the logo and cancellation (made by the Poste Italiane) for the la Marcia della Pace in 2009.
In 2010 she exhibited at the National Museum of Modern Art in Cairo the work“ Studio III” on Adaptive Volumes with the composer Michelangelo Lupone and, immediately later, at the Mara Coccia Association space in Rome, she proposed “Onde” a personal exhibition that included new works and adaptive sound installations created in collaboration with M. Lupone and the CRM.
For Roma AIL and Professor F. Mandelli she created a work that will be exhibited at the Parco della Musica in Rome and sold at auction by Finarte to raise funds for the AIL association.
In 2010 again she created the Collezione Permanente di Arte Contemporanea at the Liceo Scientifico “A.Bafile” of L’Aquila, encouraging the realization of site-specific installations elaborated by 23 Italian artists.
She continued with the second edition in 2011, enriching the Collection with other 22 permanent installations.
On the occasion of the Antitrust twentieth anniversary, the Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (AGCM, the Competition Authority), in 2010, Licia created a permanent work titled “Magmi”, installed at the Rome office reception.
In 2011, in collaboration with the CRM of Rome, she realized two permanent installations for Arte Scienza at the FGTecnopolo building, one entitled “Vibrazioni in rame” with Laura Bianchini music and the other, “Vibrazioni in acciaio” with Michelangelo Lupone music.
Moreover, in 2011, she also participated in “Re-place”, the city shines “again” with the work realized by Michelangelo Lupone titled “Enigma del centro”, a bright plastic- music installation created for the “Palazzo dell’Emiciclo” of L’Aquila.
Again, with Michelangelo Lupone and Laura Bianchini of CRM, commissioned by De Mura Interior Design Art ©, she designed a singular (unusual) musical furniture, “Armonico”, which is premiered exposed at the Fuori Saloneof Milan in 2012.
In the same year she participated in the exhibition Quadratonomade100% Periferia at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni of Rome and worked at the project ” In Albis” developed by Vittoria Biasi for the city of L’Aquila.
Her works are in various exhibition groups in Italy and abroad (Benaki Museum in Athens and gall. Vèra Amsellemin Paris).
In 2013 she is invited at the PremioVasto edited by Silvia Pegoraro.
Among her 2013 latest productions realized for four hands with Maestro Lupone, there is Light touch, produced for the exhibition White and White – Italian and Korean artists – at the Museo Bilotti, edited by Vittoria Biasi; the same work is exposed at the exhibition titled Making of directed by Maria Paola Orlandini and Raffaele Simongini.
At the Mitreo di Corviale. In 2014 she realized, again with Michelangelo Lupone, a large installation titled OASIS for the MACRO sensory space, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea of Rome.
In 2015 she is invited to the Biennale of Alatri cared by Luigi Fiorletta and the same year, together with Lupone, she presented the work Light Touch at the exhibition Intrecci, for the Workshop Tourism & Culture 2015 by Achille Bonito Oliva and RAM Radiomobile alla Pelanda, Macro Testaccio, In 2016, together with Zeryntia and Radio RAM, she made an interview for Orizzonti del Sapere by Uninettuno Tv.
In 2017, invited by Istituto Italiano di Cultura, she presented OASI at the Istituto Tomie Ohtake, Center for Contemporary Art in San Paolo, Brasil.
In September 2017 She realized the interactive scenography for CORPUS 2.0, a shows of contemporary dance with the company Escursus, choreography by Ricky Bonavita, music and sound project by Michelangelo Lupone, Teatro Vascello, Roma, 15 September 2017, Auditorium, Latina, November 2017 .
For the inauguration of the concert season, she showed the work Volumi adattivi realized together with Michelangelo Lupone at the Museum of musical instruments of National Academy “Santa Cecilia”, Parco della musica, Roma, October 2017.
Invited by the Italian Embassy in New Delhi, in March 2018 she exhibited Codici, three sculptural works, musically adapted, realized with Michelangelo Lupone and produced by CRM at the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, India.
Last year, in April, she realized the solo show Flussi with the cooperation of CRM at the Gallery Anna Marra Contemporanea di Roma.
In the same year, working together with the Architecture study Marincola of Roma, she realized a permanent placement for the Pavilion Hotel in Madrid, with the title Corteccia .
In June 2018, invited by the superintender Isabella Indolfi, presenting the musical-sculptural installation Mare oscuro, she took part to Cyfest, international festival of art and technology at the Reggia di Caserta and to the Festival Environmental Art (Arte Ambientale) Seminaria at Maranola.
In October 2018, on occasion of the Tecnology Summit Italia- India a New Delhi, on commission by the Italian Embassy, she realized together with M° Lupone and the CRM, the permanent work Forme sensibili shown on the entrance of the Embassy.
In January 2018 she won, together with the composer Laura Bianchini and the CRM, the announcement by Regione Lazio, Arte sui cammini, for the realization of three permanent musical- adaptive and sculptural works with the title Via dei Canti, in the ancient Borgo di Trevi in Lazio, inaugurated on 3 May 2019.
Again in 2019, thanks to the Study of Architecture Marincola, she realized, on commission, 60 works for Hotel First Roma Dolce, located in via del Corso in Rome.
On August 2019, invited by Lea Contestabile, she took part to the realization of the Giardino della memoria – L’angolo delle piccole stelle at Mubaq, Fossa, L’Aquila, dedicated to all those children victims of 2009 earthquake.
In the same period, with Michelangelo Lupone, she exhibited two works musical-scupltural with the title Ambiente interattivo e forme sensibili, at the Rettorato GSSI, Gran Sasso Science Institute, in the field ArtScience inaugurated in the month of July with the exhibition at the con MACRO.
In the month of September she realized a new environmental installation with the title Proteggimi for Sculture in campo, Parco della scultura at Bassano in Teverina, Viterbo.
Licia Galizia’s works are exhibited in Institutions like Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministero degli Esteri Italiano), Embassies and Consulates (Instanbul, Lima, Colombo, Hanoi, New Delhi , Montevideo.)
1992 Licia Galizia, Mara Coccia gallery, Rome. Presentation: Fabio Mauri;
1994 Configurazione di un mutamento, A.A.M. Architecture Modern Art gallery , in collaboration with the Mara Coccia Association, Rome;
1995 Configurazione di un mutamento, Temple Gallery, Temple University Rome, in collaboration with the Mara Coccia Association, Rome. Presentation: Cecilia Casorati;
1996 Convergenze, double personal exhibition, Licia Galizia – Teodosio Magnoni, A.A.M. Modern Art Architecture gallery, Rome. Edited by Fabio Briguglio;
1996 Nello spazio-nel tempo, I Liceo Artistico Statale in Rome.
1997/98 Fuori luogo, Experimental Museum of Contemporary Art, L’Aquila. With the intervention of Cecilia Casorati.
1999 Licia Galizia, 7 recent works, Mara Coccia proposals for contemporary art, Rome.
2000/2001 Systems, Laboratory Museum of the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, November 2000 – January 2001, in collaboration with the Mara Coccia Association.
2001 Interferences, I Liceo Artistico in Rome, with the intervention of the composer and clarinetist Paolo Marchettini.
2002 Interferences, of music and sculpture, installation by Licia Galizia, music by Paolo Marchettini, Castello Cinquecentesco, L’Aquila
2004 The straight text, gallery A.A.M. Modern Art Architecture, Rome. Words by Rosa Pierno.
2004 Interferences, of music and sculpture, installation by Licia Galizia, music by Paolo Marchettini, voice by Mauro Tiberi, Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Fastweb S.p.a. headquarters, Rome.
2006 Studio I on adaptive volumes, art sound installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Goethe Institut, International Biennale Arte Scienza, Rome
2007 Overhanging construction, Livio Nardi gallery, Nuremberg, Germany
2007/2008 Projecting project, Kroymans Autohaus Nürnberg, Ferrari und Macerati Verträgshandler, Nuremberg
2008 Musica in Forma, art sound installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Italian Cultural Institute, Belgrade,
2008 Licia Galicia / Joung-En Huh, Livio Nardi Galerie, Nuremberg
2009 Musica in Forma, sound art installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Ara Pacis Museum, Rome
2009 Musica in Forma, art sound installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Foyer Auditorium “Gen. S. Florio” of the non-commissioned officers school of the Guardia di Finanza, G8 Summit, L’Aquila.
2010 Musica in Forma, art sound installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Cairo National Museum of Modern Art, Cairo
2010 Waves, Mara Coccia Association, Rome
2011 Vibrations in copper and Vibrations in steel, adaptive sculptural-musical works created in collaboration with the CRM of Rome for Arte Scienza 2011, music by Laura Bianchini and Michelangelo Lupone. Permanent installations, FGTecnopolo building
2012 Musica in Forma, sound art installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Centro Cultural Ccori Wasi – Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima
2012 Oasi, musical sculptural adaptive installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Sensory space of the MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome.
2017 Oasis, musical sculptural adaptive installation created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Tomie Ohtake Institute, Center for Contemporary Art of São Paulo, Brazil, at the invitation of the Italian Cultural Institute of São Paulo
2018 Codes, adaptive sculptural-musical works created with M.Lupone, produced by CRM, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, India. At the invitation of the Italian Embassy in New Delhi for the 70th anniversary of Italy-India diplomacy,
2018 Flussi, Anna Marra Contemporanea gallery, Rome, in collaboration with M. Lupone and L.Bianchini. Edited by Isabella Indolfi
2018, Italy-India Technology Summit in New Delhi, commissioned by the Italian Embassy, together with M° Lupone and the CRM, creates the permanent work entitled Forms sensitive in the entrance staircase of the Embassy.
2018/2019 Via dei Canti , three permanent adaptive sculptural-musical works created with the composer Laura Bianchini and the CRM following the victory of the tender, Arte sui cammini , announced by the Lazio Region, for the ancient village of Trevi nel Lazio
2019 Interactive environment and sensitive forms, two sculptural-musical works created with Michelangelo Lupone for the ArteScienza Festival exhibited at MACRO, in Rome and at the Rectorate of GSSI, Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila.
2021 Dashed code, adaptive sculptural-musical work created by the composer Michelangelo Lupone. Live performance by violist Carlotta Libonati. ArteScienza Festival 2021, Goethe Institut, Rome
2022 On the threshold, Galleria La Nube di Ort, Rome. With the presentation of Maria D’Alesio
2022/23 Codici & Sorgenti, exhibition of adaptive sculptural-musical works created with the composers Michelangelo Lupone and Laure Bianchini. Live performance by saxophonist Enzo Filippetti, Gall. La Nuova Pesa, Rome and Giorgio De Marchis Bonanni D’Ocre Onlus Foundation, L’Aquila
2023 A nest as a gift, permanent sculpture and workshop for “Nuovi Spazi Per Emozionarci”, I.C. “ Cesira Fiori”, San Demetrio ne’ Vestini, L’Aquila
2024 Cultural Landscapes, exhibition of adaptive sculptural-musical works created with the composer Michelangelo Lupone, Officina dei Sensi, Ascoli Piceno.
Fonte gialla
2018 – base 80x90cm – completa di lastre 115x95x43cm – legno, vernice e vetro sintetico verniciato
Mare oscuro (scultura) e Michelangelo Lupone (musica e planofoni® interattivi-adattivi)
2018 – dimensioni ambientali – legno, vernice e vetro sintetico verniciato
Nella notte, l'incontro
2019 – cm70x160 – Legno , vernice con lastre in rame e ottone verniciate ed incise
2019 – cm104x104 – legno, vernice, vetro sintetico
2021 – rame ossidato , piante grasse, acqua, misura ambiente. Sculture in Campo, Bassano in Teverina