
I was born in Lokeren (Belgium) and I have been living in Rome since 1988. In Belgium I obtained a Master Degree in Educational Sciences and specialized in Art Education at the University of Leuven. In Rome I graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts. Hence, from the very beginning, art and education were the two interests to which I devoted my passion and expertise. These two sectors have been merging progressively.
I tend to avoid the purely decorative and often compose from the viewpoint of the public’s emotions and pulsations, and exponentially nudge the viewer into participating in the process. With the frequent use of mirrors I attempt to engage the public in my persistent quest to get rid of illusions. I involve people in collective art projects, acting as a catalyst of relational art.
Since the 90ies I have exhibited videos and installations in many shows and festivals in Italy and Belgium. These artistic interventions are multimedia, without however neglecting traditional techniques like painting, which I never really abandon.
In 2000 and 2002 I give birth to my son and my twin girls and I focus on teaching and pedagogy of art. I have founded the cultural association xcorsi d’arte, taught at the Academy of Fashion in Rome and at the Academy of Fine Arts of Perugia as well as in other contexts, where I offer my personal vision on the use of art for individual and social growth. Since 2014 I teach drawing, painting, sculpture and art therapy at the American University of Rome.
From 2008 I dedicate myself once again to daily artistic research, choosing bees wax, crystal and mirrors as my main linguistic vectors. In 2009 I develop largescale triptychs and wax sculptures, exhibited in a personal show “Shifiting Boundaries” at the Ecos Gallery in Via Giulia (Rome) and the Cultural Center Foundation St. Stephen’s in Via Aventina (Rome). From 2013 on I have been working on projects involving largescale sculptures and installations in public spaces.
My outdoor installations often use fabrics that become like second skins, which are exposed to the elements. During a three-year project I developed a trilogy on the theme “the missing object”, which started with an installation at the Academia Belgica in Rome on occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Cultural Institute, followed by an installation at the Theater Marcellus (Cortile del Tempio di Apollo in Circo) as part of the art festival “Fall contemporary” promoted by the City of Rome and concluded in 2016/2017 during the Biennale Exhibition organized by the Center for Art in Open Air at the Park ter Beuken in the city of Lokeren.
In 2018 I participate in a collective art exhibit “Under the same roof”, exhibited at the art gallery Sala 1 in Rome and at the Gallery IA§A at Hillyer in Washington DC, USA. In April 2019 I present the show “Oltre-Beyond” at the MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome and in July 2019 had a Atelier – Personal show in the same museum.
1982-1985 BA in Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven – Leuven, Belgium
1985-1987 M.S. In Teacher Training at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Thesis on Pedagogy and Didactics applied to Art
1988-1992 MFA in Painting, Accademia di Belle Arti, Roma – Rome, Italy
2008 Diploma of trainer in Focusing at the Focusing Institute of New York.
1994 Diploma in the “Art of stained glass making”, Roma
1992 Scuola libera del nudo at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Study of the human figure – Drawing
1991 Course in Affresco painting. Istituto d’arte “San Giacomo”
1981 Diplome of piano, Municipal school of Music, Lokeren (Belgium
1988 Diploma of diction, acting e theater, Municipal School of Lokeren (Belgium)
1977 Diploma of Applied Arts in S.T.B.L., Lokeren (Belgio)
2014-present Professor “Painting”, “Art Therapy”, “Sketchbook – Images of Rome”, “Intermediate Drawing”, “3 Dimensional Art and Installations”, at AUR American University of Rome, Pietro Roselli 4.
2013 Teacher of 2D art, at the Art Department of St -Stephens High School, via Aventina 3, Rome.
1993– present Founder of “xcorsi d’arte”, a private art school specialized in experiential group classes oriented for children, adolescents and adults, Rome.
2006-2011 Professor of “Pedagogy and Didactics of Art” and “Extramedial Techniques” at the Academy of Fine Arts “Pietro Vannucci”, Perugia.
2009-2010 Drawing Instructor at the Municipal Evening School for Adults “Arte e Mestieri” Nicola Zabaglia, Rome
2009 Professor of Adjournment Courses for Educators “Art as a privileged tool in Education”, a project designed for the formation of social cooperatives, funded by Regione Lazio.
1999-2001 Professor of “Visual Design, Creativity and Immagination”, Accademia di Moda e Costume, Rome
1999 Realisation of a Regione Lazio financed cultural integration project “La Casa delle Arti e del Gioco” for the Municipality of Itri, (FR, Italy).
1998-2001 Professor of Courses of Adjournment for Educators on the theme : “Expression and
Communication”, funded by Municipality of Rome.
1995-1999 Organizer and lecturer of artistic laboratories on the theme “Environmental Education”, held in 12 elementary schools in Rome. Realization of a documentary film in collaboration with the Cultural Association “Pa.gine Rosa”, Municipality funded.
1993 -1998 Promoter of an active research on interdisciplinarity between visual art, music and
theatre in collaboration with “Ars Nova”, a private music school in Itri,(FR, Italy).
1989-1992 Fine Arts Teacher for the hearing impaired, Istituto Gualandi Sordomuti, Rome
Other Work experiences
1998 Collaboration with the Society of Decoration “Arteomete”
1992-1996 Decoration and commissions : Murals, “Trompe l’oeil”, faux marble, stenciling, glass painting, portraits, painting scenery, papier-maché and mask making.
8 – 14July 2019 Atelier and personal show at the Museum for Contemporary Art of Rome,
MACRO,via Nizza
1-30 April 2019 Installation and Performance Art “Oltre – Beyond”, project of Kristien De Neve in collaborationwith Salvatore Travascio e Laura della Gatta , project room of Macro, via Nizza, Roma
2 -30 August 2019 Collective Installation “Under another roof” at the Gallery IA§A at Hillyer, Washington D.C. USA
May 2018 Under the same Roof, collective exhibit at the gallery “Sala 1”, Roma
10 Sept – 10 Dec 2017 Personal Exhibit – The broken Horizon – Centrum voor Ruimtelijke Kunst Park Ter Beuken, Lokeren (Belgium)
May 2016- Present Traveling Collective Exhibit “Il sangue delle donne” – Tracce rosse sul panno bianco” Teatro stabile comunale Isola Del Liri, Centro per Arte Contemporanea la Rocca, Gallerija Forum a Zagabria (Croazia), Monastero di S. Benedetto (bari), Palazzo Fibbioni (Aquila), … curated by Manuela De Leonardis
19 Sept-16 Oct 2014 Personal Exhibit – Autunno Contemporaneo – organized by the city of Rome
The Missing Object – “As your senses are fine-tuned, hear the hollow sound under your feet”(first configuration)
17 Oct-13 Nov 2014 Personal Exhibit – Autunno Contemporaneo – organized by the city of Rome
The Missing Object – “Don’t be afraid if work is hard” (second configuration)
14 Nov- 6 Dic. 2014 Personal Exhibit – Autunno Contemporaneo – organized by the City of Rome The Missing Object – “Try though insecure – because insecure”(third configuration
8 May – September 2014 Personal exhibit on the facade of the Accademia Belgica in Valle Giulia, in Rome on occasion of the 75th anniversary of its foundation. The Missing Object. Bricks and Butterflies
May 27 – 9 June Personal exhibit in the Cultural Center Foundation St. Stephen’s Paintings and Sculptures
Nov. 2012 Personal exhibit “Shifting Boundaries”,Ecos Gallery, Via Giulia ,Rome
June 2008 Installation ioxy during the festival “Crack ! Fumetti dirompenti”, Forte Prenestino, Rome.
Nov. 2008 Opening party and exhibition, studio “Neve”, Via Tuscolana 467, Rome
May 2007 Foundation of IOXY artistic collective.
May 2005 Installation(painting-video-objects)–event “Fuoriluogo”- appuntamenti fuori dall’habitat” curated by Chiara Cammarata
Oct 2004 Performance and short movie at the Bibli bookshop, Rome
March 2002 Installation dedicated to the work of J.Cocteau, at “La Camera Verde”, Rome
March 2001 Installation in honor of Primo Levi at “La camera verde”, Rome
April 1998 Video-art, short film “Dietro agli occhi, nello stomaco, sotto la pelle” presented during the festival “Linea d’ombra” Sala 1, Rome and Salerno.
May 1997 Sound and video installation of Kristien De Neve, Erica Bilder, and Stefano Odoardi on the theme “Enough” of Samuel Beckett, Art Explorer Café Gallery, Rome.
April-June 1996 Group exhibit “Nature” curated by Paolo Balmas and Gianluca Marziani at the Art Explorer Café Gallery, Rome.
Dec. 1995 Collective Exhibit “The door of Duchamps” at “Valadier” Hall in Terracina, Latina
September 1995 Video-installation with the group “Lampbliksem” in the antique library at Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy
August 1995 Installation at the Second edition of the Contemporary Art Festival of Bassano in Teverina, (VT), Italy.
June 1995 Personal exhibit at “U-bahn”, Ghosts”Via del Giglio, Viterbo, Italy.
April 1995 Personal exhibit “Toc toc toc”in the “ Assenzio” Café, Via Vespucci, Rome
August 1994 Installation in two Etruscan caves during the “Falling stars” Contemporary Art Festival of Bassano in Teverina, (VT), Italy.
July 1994 Personal multimedial installation at the ex-college of Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy
June 1994 * Group exhibit “H20” Art Gallery “Spazio Oltre”, Vicolo del Bologna, Rome
* Group exhibit “Libri da riscoprire” in the Granmelò library, Rome.
* Collective show ”Domestos” in S.Salvatore church at Bolsena, (VT), Italy.
April 1994 Collective exhibit “Eventualmente ….Ponderabilmente” curated by BarbaraMartusciello at Politecnico, Via Tiepolo 13 A, Rome.
March 1994 Personal exhibit: Installation in the Granmelò library, Rome
Nov. 1993 Performance “five sculptures and a videodocument” at the Cafè Les Folies, Rome.
January 1992 Performance “Mimo – poetry – painting” at Melvyn’s, Rome
June 1991 Performance “Giovanna d’Arco in the garden of Goethe” con Umberto Ranieri, Auditorium of Lanciano, Abruzzo, Italy.
2016 Text of the catalogue “the Missing Object” By Mariaimma Gozzi and Fabio Pinelli
2012 Text of the catalogue “shifting Boundaries” by Marcello Carriero
“Neve, la cera è un bozzolo creativo” da Arianna Di Genova, Il Manifesto, 22 November 2012
“Kristien De Neve, la materia che avvolge” by Moira Chiavarini , Arte e Critica, October 2012
1997 “Kristien De neve e l’anima pulsante dell’arte” by Roberta Perfetti
NEXT: review of art and culture, spring 1997, pp. 62 -63
1996 Interviewed by Paolo Balmas in occasion of “Nature” exhibit at the l’Explorer Coffee Gallery, april 1996
1987 The training of Art Teachers : Structural Aspects and Educational Concepts” Arguments and research on the development of communicative and expressive abilities; methods and didactic experimentation in teaching art. M.S. Thesis
University of Leuven, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, pp.323
1995 “Racconto di un esperienza” Five stories to introduce visual language and an artistic way of thinking, for the course “Giocando e Pitturando”, Municipality of Itri, pp.50
1997 Marina Abramovic” RomArte, International Review of Art, Summer, pp.5-7
1997 Pa.gi.ne Rosa, ed. “Una testa grande incontra la natura”. Illustrated by elementary schools participating in a project sponsored by the Province of Rome and Region Lazio, pp. 55
1998 Assessorato alle Politiche Educative del Comune di Roma, ed., “Children in Rome” February, 1998 pp. 5-6
2000 Pa.gi.ne Rosa, ed. “La storia di Malinka. La ragazza che volle accendere e spegnere il sole come una semplice lampadina. Illustrated by elementary schools, a project sponsored by the Province of Rome and Regione Lazio, pp. 66
2001 Pa.gi.ne Rosa,ed. “La storia di Clara. La ragazza che visse in una città di solo cemento” Illustrated by elementary schools participating project sponsored by the Province of Rome and Regione Lazio, pp. 53
2016 Cartalogue “ Kristien De Neve – The Missing Object” Municipality of Lokeren (Belgium), 2016 pp 103
2014 Catalogue “Kristien De Neve”- shifting Boundaries”, Ecos Gallery; IOXY edtion, 2014, pp
17/03-8/04 2018 Curator of the collective show “Vanitas Vanitatum et Omnia Vanitas, nel Monumento Case Romane del Celio, Roma
19-29 Nov 2016 Curator of the collective show “in the palm of a hand – 17 personal shows in miniature” at the gallery “Frammenti d’arte, via Paola, Roma,
Dutch Mother tongue
Italian Fluent
English Fluent
French Proficient
Woman - encausto
2010 180×180 cm
Skies of beeswax
2012 60×45 cm
Bricks and Butterflies - Missing Object 1 - Academia Belgica Roma
2014 – glass fiber and fabric 2×3 meter
Under the Same Roof
2018 – fabric, metal, mirrors and oil paint 3 m x 3 metri
2019 – macro fabric, metal, mirror