Guillermina De Gennaro
Born in Buenos Aires (Argentina), I later moved to Italy with my family. I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari and at the International Academy of Salzburg and then I specialised in “Educational Communication Technology” and “Chromodidactics” at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy in Bari.
I began my artistic research around the themes of Journey and Dwelling, understood as the need to protect oneself in an envelope and at the same time to go into another space, to leave the shelter and explore other universes.
Using materials such as paper, iron, light, sand, and through the observation of animals and the secrets of their work, I have created luminous paper sculptures imitating the dwellings of bees, moles, giraffes, losing myself in the perfect protective mantle of some beings that defy gravity. (Dwellings)
Then, retracing the journey I undertook as a child, returning by ship from Argentina, I addressed the theme of estrangement, nostalgia and memory. Through exotic faces that recall distant worlds, and involving my family, I made videos with Argentinean music, photographs and paintings, to remember a journey without nostalgia that I still hold in a child’s hand. (Adios)
The theme of the voyage returns again with the creation of large floating installations dedicated to the theme of migrants who risk their lives sailing on slender boats towards unknown realities, often losing their lives, with courage, fear and hope. (Volver sin Volver)
Subsequently, I created works focused on the protection of our habitat, with the project “Neonature”, a series of works that contemplate a combination of visual elements and nature itself, understood as water, as habitat, as land.
With Inglobe, and Work of Nature, the latest routes, I automatically declare myself on the side of nature, which could envelop everything in its vital motion. I create real sets where plaster casts of works such as Michelangelo’s David or religious icons or popular characters are juxtaposed with the strongest climbing plants to be enveloped and incorporated in the continuous and silent work of nature.
I work with environmental installations, photography, painting.
I have participated in various national and international exhibitions including Intramoenia Extra-art “Miraggi”, Venice Biennale 54th edition – Italy-Puglia pavilion, Collateral Event 54th ed. Venice Biennale, “Puglia arte contemporanea”, European Project “Watershed” – Rotterdam, Indipendent of Verona with the work “Soft words”, “Neo-nature”, Palazzo Grassi Bologna, Inglobe, Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano 2017, “Work of Nature” Misia Arte, Bari 2021, Incontro con la Natura, Acta International, Rome 2022.
Guillermina De Gennaro é nata a Buenos Aires (Argentina).
She received a varied education: from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bari to the school of Japanese painting with Ikuio Ciba and the International Academy of Art in Salzburg with the Austrian Tone Fink. She attended such courses as “Communication technologies”, “Cromodidattica” and “General Didactics” at the University of Bari. She is one of the art directors of the international festival of contemporary music ‘Time Zones’ and of ‘Experimenta’, Alberobello. Her languages are painting, digital painting, photography and installation. After leaving Argentina, she always looked for a balance among different cultures and tried to recover places lost in memory as a way to exorcize the idea of abandonment and precariousness. She meditates on collective and individual identity, on the contemporary idea of beauty, distorted by consumer society.
Solo Exibitions:
– “Incontro con la Natura”, a cura d Manuela De Leonardis, Acta International, Roma 2022;
– “Work of Nature”, a cura di Manuela De Leonardis, Misia Art Gallery, Bari 2021;
– “Inglobe”, a cura di Nicola Zito / La Corte, fotografia e ricerca, Fondazione Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano (Ba) 2017; Festival “I libri aiutano a leggere il mondo” Cagliari;
– “La consolatrice molesta”, a cura di Giuseppe Pinto, Galleria Omphalos, Bari 2014;
– “Volver sin Volver” Progetto europeo Watershed, a cura di Giusy Caroppo, Installazione galleggiante nelle acque del porto di Rotterdam, 2012;
– “L’altro senso” a cura di Serena Dell’Aira, Museo archeologico, Sulmona, 2008;
– “Fuerza en tus ojos” a cura di Maria Vinella – Museo Nuova Era (Bari) 2007, Arte fuori centro (Roma), 2006;
– “Adios”, a cura di Pietro Marino, Galleria Omphalos (Terlizzi-Ba) 2004;
– “Liebe an unorten” a cura di Bettina Pelz, Frauen Kunst Forum, Hagen, Germania (2000);
“La Messa di Orfeo” con i Popol Vuh, video sculture e installazioni – Rocca Malatestiana,
Festival “Il violino e la selce”, Fano (1999)
– “Nuove Dimore” a cura di Anna D’Elia, Teatro Kismet Opera (Bari) 1997;
– “Dimore per api” a cura di Maria Vinella, Galleria Pino Pascali, Polignano (Ba), 1995.
Group Exhibitions: (selection):
2021 “Natural Connection”, Ventoblu Art Gallery, Polignano (Ba);
2021 “Welcome Back”, arte urbana nel centro storico di Corato (BA), a cura di Alexander Larrarte e Carmelo Cipriani;
2021 “About Nature” progetto on line, a cura di Martina Miccio e Rocco Servillo, Galleria Valentina Bonomo, Roma;
2020 “ProssimamenteArte” – arte per il cinema – circuito cinema di Puglia.
2014 “Codici dell’Apocalisse” evento collaterale Arte Fiera (Art Box) curated by Marcello Pecchioli e Lucilla Boschi, Palazzo Grassi, Bologna;
2014 “L’Arte per la Natura” a cura di Fondazione Pino Pascali, Castello di Carovigno e Riserva Naturale di Torre Guaceto, Brindisi;
2012 “Test 3” a cura di Anna D’Elia, Ecos Gallery, Roma;
2011 “Pino Pascali – Ritorno a Venezia/Puglia Arte Contemporanea”, a cura di Giusy Caroppo e Rosalba Branà – Palazzo Bianchi Michiel, collateral event for 54° Biennale of Venezia;
2010 ”Miraggi – Intramoenia Extrart”– a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva e Giusy Caroppo, Castello Alfonsino, Forte a mare, Brindisi;
2008 Apulian Rainbow, National Gallery, Ciftè Hamam, a cura di Rosalba Branà, Skopije;
2008 Inside, Torrione Angioino, a cura di Lucia Anelli, Bitonto (Ba);
2007 Nigro, Galleria Bluorg, a cura di Pietro Marino, Bari;
2004 Scambi, Canne della Battaglia, a cura di Maria Vinella e Lucia Anelli, Barletta (Ba);
2003 Matisse…ment, a cura di Mimmo Doria, Artoteca Alliance, Bari;
2000 Art Woman, a cura di Marina Pizzarelli, Castello Carlo V, Lecce;
1998 Nuova età dell’arte, a cura di Laura Cherubini, Galleria Banchi Nuovi, Roma;
1998 Kaos & Crash, a cura di M. Vinella, Galleria Imagery, Bari;
1998 Cartoline d’artista, a cura di Salvatore Pepe, Museo Comunale, Praia a mare (Cosenza);
1997 Sirene, a cura di Rosalba Branà, Palazzo Pino Pascali, Polignano (Bari);
1996 Pensare la città, a cura di Anna D’Elia, Teatro Kismet Opera, Bari;
1995 Terra Nera, a cura di Iberia Medici, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Milo (Ct);
1994 ZOO, Villa Romanazzi Carducci, a cura di Pino Milella, Bari;
1992 ACAF 3, Melbourne (Australia).
Hanno scritto: Lucia Anelli, Rosalba Branà, Gilda Camero, Giusy Caroppo, Laura Cherubini, Manuela De Leonardis, Anna D’Elia, Marilena Di Tursi, Rosanna Fumai, Oscar Iarussi, Antonella Marino, Pietro Marino, Giusy Petruzzelli, Marina Pizzarelli, Enzo Velati, Maria Vinella.
Testate giornalistiche e riviste specializzate: La Repubblica, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Corriere del Mezzogiorno, Barisera, Flash Art, Segno, Juliet, Art e Dossier, Exibart, Arte e Critica.
Neonature series
2015 – 35X50cm – acrylyconwoodand – climbing – plants
2017- 45x20cm – scultura in gesso edera legno
2010 – vasca – vetroresina – acqua – pianta – stampa su metacrilato – installazione site specific