Federica Gonnelli
G.: Who are you? The woman, the animal, the artist …
F.: I am definitely the artist. I totally and viscerally identify with everything I create. And it is precisely this viscerality, sometimes very strong, that often leads me to be an animal too. (…)
G.: What if you weren’t an artist?
F.: It’s hard to say, if I weren’t an artist it wouldn’t be me.
(Extract from “Per Voce Creativa”, interview by Giovanna Lacedra with Federica Gonnelli)
I was born in Florence, where I developed my studies first at Liceo Artistico Leon Battista Alberti and then at Accademia di Belle Arti. I live and work between the chief town and Prato, where in 2011 I opened my studio InCUBOAzione.
“InCUBOAzione” is the space that I have allocated to the incubation of my works. “Incubazióne2 s. f. In the history of religions, the use of sleeping in a sanctuary to receive divine revelations in the dream. [From the Latin incubare, in the particular meaning “to sleep in a temple to have the responses of the god”]. Definition from “The Dictionary of Italian Language” by Giacomo Devoto and Gian Carlo Oli, Editions Le Monnier, Florence, 1990.” In “InCUBOAzione”, my works are waiting for the right moment to express their tell-tale signs. In InCUBOAzione, I text my projects before showing them to the public, I try to photograph my installations and create the sets for the photos I use in my works. From 2019, the cycle of meetings entitled /Sim·bï·ón·te/ has begun within the studio. Periodically my space hosts the unpublished project of an artist for 8 days. I chose this title because it derives from symbiosis and it is used in biology to indicate an organism that lives inside or on the surface of another living organism, which in this case houses it, establishing a mutualistic or symbiotic relationship with it. It is precisely this aspect of symbiosis between those who host and those who are hosted, which I am interested in underlining in the perspective of the project. In /Sim·bï·ón·te/ the two interlocutors derive mutual benefit from life in common, activating a further possibility of research and a virtuous dialogue that expands to meet the observer. /Sim·bï·ón·te/ collaborates with “2° Piano Art Residence” of Z.N.S.project, an experimental and independent artistic residency program curated by the artist Cristiano Pallara and Margherita Capodiferro, which takes place in Palagiano (TA) and with whom it shares the ideals of artistic connection, exchange, dialogue with the territory and active hospitality.
My research moves beyond the physical and conceptual boundaries of the image. The representation becomes interactive, envelops the space, occupies thin and stratified volumes giving itself as a presence poised between body and thought, leading towards a fluid time, in which sensory coordinates become light, in a present full of memories, identities and possibilities.
From an early age, I felt the need to create, design, make and love art. I grew up in my mom’s tailoring workshop among fabrics, cardboard boxes, coloured threads, mannequins and dresses. Every evening the fascinating stories of the paternal grandparents’ farmhouse, told by my father, made my imagination grow. Then again, books, encyclopedias and art catalogues, a legacy of my maternal grandfather shared and expanded by my parents, without forgetting markers, colours of various types and papers, which I saw my cousin use with elegance and extreme skill. All elements that in my playful creativity of a child I have always mixed indifferently. Inseparable elements that for me had a single basis: drawing. For this, the desire expressed during the candle blowing of my fifth birthday, was exactly: “I want to know how to draw!”. I have always thought that draw was the basis for every project, for every creation in every area of human making; draw is the trace, the root from which everything develops. Growing up and choosing Liceo Artistico and then Accademia di Belle Arti, I can indicate an important turning point at the beginning of the second year of Accademia. After a year of experimentation in the field of painting and after a summer 2001 of profound reflection culminating in the confrontation with the tragic events of the G8 in Genoa, the death of Carlo Giuliani and the attack on the Twin Towers on 11 September, my approach to life and art is changed. I rediscovered my child experiments and began my artistic path of conceptual research and the use of the most varied materials, which immediately distinguished itself for the extremely personal and recognizable use of the organza veil. I feel lucky to have undertaken so soon my path, which in continuity has always allowed me to experiment and evolve.
My family has been of great importance for the development of my artistic and personal path. My parents have always supported and supported my every choice and still today, they are my first collaborators, admirers and critics. Among all my affections, surely my maternal grandfather Goretto, which unfortunately I never knew, was a very important reference. My grandfather loved painting and from a very young age he painted with results that highlighted his talent, then unfortunately the difficulties of life, the beginning of the Second World War and subsequently his work, removed him from this passion, which he found only in the few years of his life left after retirement. A tumour unfortunately took him away at 58 years. I have always felt his presence close to me, I am sure that he would have appreciated what I do and that he would have been involved in the development of my projects, since he was also gifted with great creativity, planning and manual skills. Features that I may have inherited from him. To him and his broken love for art, I dedicated the video installation “Louise & Herbert” inspired by two poems from the Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters.
More generally, the experience of confrontation with art took place from a very young age in the more or less known churches of the Tuscan countryside, between the Renaissance and contemporary architectures of Michelucci, among caskets of precious treasures, in walks in Florence with my family, seeing the birth of the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art in Prato, designed by Gamberini. In particular, I remember two exhibitions from those years: the Nasher Foundation in 1988 at Forte Belvedere and Klimt at Palazzo Strozzi in 1991. Two exhibitions that for me were very suggestive. I remember the great emotions inside the Uffizi in front of the succession of works by Giotto, Cimabue, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca, Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino, Bronzino, Leonardo Michelangelo, Caravaggio. From all these experiences I inherited the love for proportions, for the human figure, for the body, for the majesty of the proud and hieratic presence; I inherited the attention to spatiality; the search for meanings and symbols. The study of artists such as Brancusi, Duchamp, Oppenhein, Beuys, Bourgeois, Richter, Manzoni, Fontana, Penone, Fabro, i Merz, Lai, Paolini, Hesse, Pane had great importance for me in the following years. Artists from whom I understood that play is as important as coherence. Because the coherence of the artist is first within himself, in his life, in his path and consequently subsequently in each of his works, but at the same time it is necessary for each work to know how to get involved. I understood that rationality is as important as the dream; I understood that each element of the work has its own reason; I understood that limits are exceeded, but we must know how to stop. I realized once again that there are no distinctions between the arts.
Since 2001, I have participated in personal and collective exhibitions and in various competitions. In 2006, I graduated with a thesis entitled “Art & Dress”. Since 2007, I have been part of the artistic collective “Arts Factory” for which, as an artist, I deal with the design and creation of videos, installations and video installations. The collective includes the founder Adriana Maria Soldini, art narrator and curator and Francesca Del Moro, poetess. In 2013, I obtained the specialization in Visual Arts and New Expressive Languages, with a thesis entitled “Video installations between Body-Space-Time”. Since 2015 I have participated in artist residencies at: Mola di Bari – Pino Pascali Foundation, Cosenza – The BoCs, Castelbottaccio (CB) – Vis a Vis Fuoriluogo 19, Vimercate (MB) – V_Air Museo Must, San Sperate (CA) – Future Frontiers, Zumpano (CS) – Terraē Museo Mae e Palagiano (TA) – ZNS Via Murat Art Container 2° Piano Art Residence. Practice, that of the residence, which has acquired a particular importance for my personal and artistic growth.
“And yes, that truth is only an imagination, that it does not have a certainty of its own. You can get close and this will help, but it is always an interpretation, until the opposite happens. It is your relationship with the truth: nothing is definitive for you, you try and try again, you never stop and meanwhile you add, cut and synthesize. The truth is in the memory and in the imagination.”
(“E già”, text by Lucio Battisti and Letizia Grazia Veronese)
My research revolves around three cornerstones: body, space and time from which develop respectively the reflections on identity, boundaries and memory. The boundary characterizes my path in materials and themes, implementing a research at the limit between the disciplines of the visual arts. The border is a constant protagonist of my works, using the veil of organza and double exposure photography. These are not simple supports or technical choices, but they are two decisive means of expression that contribute in the meaning of the work. Every double exposure photograph, like every veil, shows, tells something different, but at the same time imposes an impetus to the observers who want to discover what is hidden inside, behind. Beyond the border. In every material or photographic overlap of images, I redraw the boundaries. Re-elaboration that starts from the boundaries, from the definition and recognition of my own identity, I question myself and the relationship between content and container, which has always characterized my path. In the same way, I redesign places and spaces by breaking down the boundary line between inside and outside, above and below, high and low, nature and artifice, virtual and real, life and death, matter and spirit. Paradoxes are born in this way. The impossible becomes visible, giving rise to other worlds of which to forget the boundaries, in a historical moment in which, instead, we want to build and rebuild new and old borders. The desire to overcome the pre-established borders between the various disciplines of the arts, led me to expand my projects and to support the creation of three-dimensional works: performance, sound, video projections, installations and videoinstallations.
Through my works, I highlight that things are never as they appear at first glance or for the first time. What matters most to me is how the observer approaches the work and the interpretation of the message contained, the time he devotes to it and how much he decides to immerse himself in the depth of the various material and symbolic layers of the work. My research aims at the idea of a new vision, at the crossing of physical or temporal dimensions. Appearance is a lens, a transparent veil that envelops reality, memory, the perception of ourselves. My projects create places that welcome different gazes from new eyes and at the same time open windows onto other streets, perhaps already seen or travelled, but which have acquired new characteristics. Spaces where the human situation becomes a poetic and symbolic tale, while not denying its earthly and material nature. Spaces where I show the traces of an event, the specific passage of a story. The organza veil is a dress, an osmotic membrane that connects the various parts; giving a voice, an identity that is always different, through the images that are made on it.
My work allows for a multiple layering of materials and interpretations which, from time to time, favour different constituent components. A work can be examined from the point of view of the materials used, especially fabrics and organza, but from the point of view of the image, or the relationship between this and language. Each interpretative path ends up supposing another one, so that the reading can never be said to be completely exhausted. The meaning of the work of art is in the stratification of transparencies: the “density” of a work must allow us to glimpse what is the object of the representation. The representation must not replace the represented object, that is, be too dense and opaque, but at the same time it cannot even become a fully penetrable transparency, of any density, removing consistency from the work. The representation must let itself be crossed.
The sequence of the planes imposes a movement on the spectator, who cannot remain stationary, electing an optimal point of view, as he would do in front of a painting, but is forced to a constant variation of his own position, which, consequently, leads to a constant variation of the configuration of the work. The movement of the observer towards the work implies the inevitable link between the work and the context in which or for which it is created or inserted. This movement work – observer – place found in my research its maximum expression during the artistic residencies.
Exhibition Experience
July 2021, collective, “DIALOGHI – ŎPĔRA 01 MEETS ATELIER ALIFUOCO”, Atelier Alifuoco, Naples, curated by Martina Campese and Raffaella Ferraro.
May 2021, collective, “40 DAYS – ARTISTI IN QUARENTENA”, Quasi Quadro, Turin, curated by Mattia Lapperier with the collaboration of EFG Art Ltd.
May 2021, collective, “PROGETTO RIVA”, MAD – Murate Art District, Florence, curated by Valentina Gensini.
January 2021, online collective and third prize in the painting category, “ART RIGHTS PRIZE”, curated by Marta Giani, Maria Chiara Valacchi, Luca Beatrice and Andrea Concas, founder of Art Rights.
October 2020, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2020”, Dino Zoli Foundation, Forlì, curated by Matteo Galbiati, Livia Savorelli, Nadia Stefanel.
October 2020, collective, “PER QUANTO TEMPO è PER SEMPRE”, Celle Frigorifero – Officina Giovani, Prato, curated by Spela Zidar and Leonardo Moretti.
June 2020, solo show, “COME ISOLATE NUBI”, STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Pistoia, curated by Giulia Ponziani.
June 2020, online collective, “BREAKING GLASS”, 2° Piano Art Residence, Z.N.S. and Via Murat Art Container, Palagiano (TA), curated by Margherita Capodiferro and Cristiano Pallara.
February 2020, solo show, “IPOTESI DI FELICITà / HYPOTHESIS OF HAPPINESS”, JustMad Contemporary Art Fair, STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Madrid, curated by Giulia Ponziani.
December 2019, collective, “3 OPERE PER 10 ARTISTI”, Pedicini Art&Design, Benevento, curated by Antonella Nigro and Alessandro Rillo.
December 2019, collective, “EX VOTE / PER ARTE RICEVUTA”, Marino Marini Museum, Florence, curated by Angelo Crespi.
November 2019, collective, “PAESAGGIO”, Villa Borromeo D’Adda, Arcore (MB), curated by Simona Bartolena and Armando Fettolini.
October 2019, open studio, “COME UN FIUME (VERSO LA FOCE)”, InCUBOAzione, Prato, event organized in occasion of the 15th Contemporary Day.
September 2019, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2019”, Villa Nobel, Sanremo (IM), curated by Arteam.
August 2019, solo show, ” COME UN FIUME (VERSO LA FOCE)”, La Fortezza Gallery, Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO).
May 2019, collective video art, “LA SUPERFICIE ACCIDENTATA”, Fourteen ArTellaro, Tellaro di Lerici (SP), curated by Gino D’Ugo.
March 2019, residence and solo show, “METODOLOGIE PER LA CONSERVAZIONE DELLA MEMORIA”, sug@R(T)_house, Museo dello Zucchero, Nizza Monferrato.
March 2019, collective, “OTHER IDENTITY – OTHER ALTRE FORME DI IDENTITÀ CULTURALI E PUBBLICHE”, ABC-ARTE Gallery, Genoa, curated by Francesco Arena.
March 2019, solo show, “TRA I CONFINI”, Galleria Arte Spazio Tempo, Venice, curated by Martina Campese.
February 2019, solo show, “POETRY AS A FORM OF RAPID MOVEMENT OF THE EYES”, Hybrid Art Fair, STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Madrid, curated by Giulia Ponziani.
December 2018, collective, “VISIONI”, Officina Giovani, Ex-Macelli, Prato, curated by Leonardo Moretti and Lara Bardazzi.
October 2018, solo show, “LE MONTAGNE DA LONTANO SONO COLOR INDACO”, Studio Ciccone, Florence, curated by Leonardo Moretti.
October 2018, open studio, “LA TEORIA DEI BISOGNI”, InCUBOAzione, Prato, event organized in occasion of the 14th Contemporary Day.
September 2018, residence and solo show “2° PIANO ART RESIDENCE”, Z.N.S. Via Murat Art Container and Narracentro Museum, Palagiano (TA), curated by Margherita Capodiferro and Cristiano Pallara.
July 2018, collective “68/REVOLUTION. MEMORIE, NOSTALGIE, OBLII”, Carlo Contini Municipal Art Gallery, Oristano, curated by Chiara Schirru and Ivo Serafino Fenu.
June 2018, collective, “OFFICINARS IN FIERI”, Archaeological Historical Museum, Nola, (NA), organized by the Villa Sistemi Reggiana Association.
June 2018, solo show, “LIQUIDA – PALAZZI D’ARTE”, Palazzo Rossi Cassigoli, Pistoia, curated by Ilaria Magni and STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery.
May 2018, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2018”, Dino Zoli Foundation, Forlì, curated by Arteam.
May 2018, collective, “1st CLASS ARTERY 01 #WUNDERKAMMER02”, Parco Paradiso, Lugano, (CH), curated by Mya Lurgo and Omar Antonelli.
April 2018, collective, “OFFICINARS IN FIERI”, Villa Sistemi Reggiana Association, Reggio Emilia, organized by the Villa Sistemi Reggiana Association.
March 2018, residence and collective, “TERRAĒ”, Mae Museum, Zumpano, (CS), curated by Gianluca Covelli.
March 2018, solo show, “TESI – TRA LE ATTESE”, STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Pistoia, curated by Giulia Ponziani.
February 2018, solo show, “TESI – TRA LE ATTESE”, SetUp Contemporary Art Fair, STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Bologna, curated by Giulia Ponziani.
December 2017, residence and collective, “FUTURE FRONTIERS”, San Sperate, (CA), curated by NoArte – PaeseMuseo.
December 2017, collective, “L’ITALIA STRETTA E LUNGA”, Art Forum Contemporary Gallery, Bologna.
October 2017, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2017”, Bonelli Lab, Canneto sull’Oglio, curated by Arteam and special prize SUGAR IN ART sug@R(T)_house – Figli di Pinin Pero.
October 2017, open studio, “QUELLA COSA CHE NON C’è (FUOCO O CENENRE)”, InCUBOAzione, Prato, event organized in occasion of the 13th Contemporary Day.
September 2017, solo show, ” COS’È CHE MI HA PORTATO FINO A QUI…”, Heart – Spazio Vivo, Vimercate (MB), curated by Simona Bartolena.
September 2017, collective, “1st CLASS ARTERY 01 #WUNDERKAMMER”, Kurhaus Cademario, Cademario, (CH), curated by Mya Lurgo and Omar Antonelli.
July 2017, collective, “AGIBILE”, CasermArcheologica, Sansepolcro (AR), curated by Laura Caruso, Ilaria Margutti, Saverio Verini.
May 2017, collective and prize, “BE NATURAL/BE WILD”, Biella, (BI), curated by Alessandra Redaelli.
April 2017, residence and collective, “V_AIR 2017 VIMERCATE ART IN RESIDENCE”, Vimercate, (MB), curated by Martina Corgnati.
April 2017, collective, “VIVA ITALIA! ARTE ITALIANA DEL XX E XXI SECOLO”, Galleria Civica, Sofia, (BG), a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
March 2017, a four-handed project with Saav Zacchino, “DERIVAZIONI”, Nuvole Contemporary Art Gallery, Montesarchio (BN), curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
March 2017, collective and second prize, ” CONCORSO FOTOGRAFICO NAZIONALE RIAPERTURE”, Spazio Grisù, Ferrara, curated by Riaperture.
March 2017, collective, “CINEMATICA”, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, curated by Simona Lisi.
November 2016, solo show, “DISSOLVENZE”, Loft Gallery, Corigliano Calabro (CS), curated by Angela Trimboli.
October 2016, collective, “NEL CAMPO DEL VICINO”, Ex-Church of San Vittore, Jewish Community, Studio Dieci, Vercelli, various curators.
October 2016, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2016”, Palazzo del Monferrato, Alessandria, curated by Arteam.
October 2016, open studio, “INRELIANZA”, InCUBOAzione, Prato, event organized in occasion of the 12th Contemporary Day.
October 2016, collective, “LA BELLEZZA RESTA”, Must Museum, Vimercate (MB), curated by Simona Bartolena and Armando Fettolini.
September 2016, collective, ” PREMIO CREATIVITÀ CITTÀ DI MARSCIANO”, Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta, Marsciano, (PG).
August 2016, collective, “BIENNALE ITALIA – CHINA”, 798 Art District, The Third Plastic Factory and The Manet, Beijing, China, curated by Sandro Orlandi Stagl.
August 2016, residence and solo show, “VIS à VIS – FUORILUOGO 19”, Castelbottaccio, (CB), a project by Limiti Inchiusi arte contemporanea Cultural Association, curated by Silvia Valente.
August 2016, collective, “ENEGANART. DA FACES A CAMBIAMENTI”, Palazzo dell’abbondanza, Massa Marittima, (GR).
June 2016, collective, “VIVA ITALIA! ARTE ITALIANA DEL XX E XXI SECOLO”, Galleria Civica, Bratislava, (SK), a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
June 2016, collective, “ESSENTIA RERUM”, WWF San Leucio Oasis, (CE), a project by and with Sergio Gioielli, curated by Massimiliano Sbrescia.
May 2016, collective, “AL CHIARO DI LUNA”, Library Exhibition Space, Mezzago, (MB), curated by Simona Bartolena.
February 2016, collective, “CARTABIANCA”, Nuvole Arte Contemporanea, Montesarchio, (BN), curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
February 2016, collective, “WALL”, Limonaia Villa Vogel, Florence, by Associazione Psike.
January 2016, collective, “LA PERSEVERANZA”, San Zenone all’Arco, Brescia, organized by the Associazione per arte Le Stelle.
January 2016, solo show, “RESALIO”, Former Church of San Giovanni, Prato, curated by Stefania Rinaldi.
November 2015, collective, “DEATH”, Palazzo Guinigi, Lucca, in collaboration with Amnesty International, various curators.
November 2015, residency and collective, “THE BOCS”, Cosenza, curated by Alberto Dambruoso.
November 2015, collective, “PREMIO ENEGANART 2015”, Music Room, Oratorio dei Filippini, Florence, various curators.
November 2015, collective, “VITAMINE – TAVOLETTE ENERGETICHE”, Mart, Rovereto, a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
October 2015, workshop and collective, “INVISIBLE BORDERS”, Srisa Gallery of Contemporary Art, Florence, curated by Pietro Gaglianò.
October 2015, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2015”, Officina della Zattere, Venice, curated by Arteam.
October 2015, collective, “ART SITE MONFERRATO”, various locations, curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
September 2015, residence and collective, “SAC, MARI TRA LE MURA”, Casa delle Culture, Mola di Bari, (BA), curated by the Pino Pascali Foundation, Edoardo Trisciuzzi and Nicola Zito.
September 2015, collective, “BOCCONI AMARI – A PINK ART FOOD SHOW”, MAM Museum of Modern Art of Alto Mantua, Villa Ippoliti, Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, (MN), curated by Francesca Baboni, Gianfranco Ferlisi (Director of the Mam Museum Gazoldo) and Stefano Taddei.
September 2015, collective, “VITAMINE – TAVOLETTE ENERGETICHE”, Museo Novecento, Florence, a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
September 2015, collective, ” TU 35 – PO – GEOGRAFIA DELL’ARTE EMERGENTE IN TOSCANA”, Officine Giovani, Prato, a project by the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art, curated by Laura Capuozzo, Alessandro Gallicchio, Margherita Nuti, Stefania Rinaldi and Matteo Innocenti.
August 2015, collective, “FOOD AND BEAUTY – LA BELLEZZA NELLA RAPPRESENZAZIONE DEL CIBO”, Ex Pastificio Puddu, Siddi, (VS), curated by the Bartoli Felter Art Foundation.
July 2015, personal, “CORRESPONDENZE DI SENSI/O”, MuSA Museum, San Giorgio di Pesaro, (PU), curated by Barbara Cianelli.
June 2015, collective, “BIENNALE ITALIA – CINA”, Mastio della Cittadella, Turin, curated by Sandro Orlandi Stagl.
June 2015, collective, “PROSPETTIVE PRESENTI – EXPO 2015”, Spazio Oberdan, Milan, curated by Omar Mossali.
January 2015, collective, “MEND OF ME”, Sala delle Leopoldine, Florence, by the Heyart Cultural Association.
December 2014, competition and solo show, “#CROSSHERITAGE”, Racconigi Castle, Cuneo, curated by Domanico Maria Papa.
December 2014, collective and auction, “ARTE PER ORTO – QUARANTASEI OPERE DI ARTISTI CONTEMPORANEI ALL’ASTA PER IL GIARDINO DEI SEMPLICI”, Xenos Contemporary Art, Florence, curated by Vaia Balekis.
November 2014, collective, “LO SPAZIO DEL SOGNO”, Biffi Arte, Piacenza, curated by Alessandra Redaelli.
November 2014, collective, “IC – ISTANBUL CONTEMPORARY”, Art Forum Contemporary Gallery, Istanbul.
October 2014, collective, “LO SGUARDO SUL MONDO – GLI SPAZI DEL SOGNO”, Palazzo Pirola, Gorgonzola (MI), curated by Alessandra Redaelli.
September 2014, collective, “PREMIO NOCIVELLI 2014”, Chiesa della Disciplina, Verolanuova (BS).
May 2014, solo show, “SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? – FUGA E PERSISTENZA”, Sincresis D’A Spazio d’Arte, Empoli (FI).
April 2014, solo show, “TONALITÀ DEL VELO”, S.A.A.M. Moretti Art Space – Schema Polis, Carmignano (PO), curated by Raul Dominguez.
March 2014, solo show, “VEL(L)O D’ORO”, Nuvole Contemporary Art Gallery, Montesarchio (BN), curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
January 2014, collective, “ARTE FIERA”, Art Forum Contemporary Gallery, Bologna.
January 2014, solo show, “IL CORPO CHE ABITO”, Art Forum Contemporary Gallery, Bologna.
December 2013, collective, “SPAZIO TOTALE/TOTAL SPACE”, Sincresis Spazio d’Arte, Empoli, curated by Alessandra Scappini.
November 2013, solo show, “L’EFFIMERO COLTO DAL VELO D’ORGANZA”, Sala Dogana, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, curated by Adriana Soldini.
November 2013, collective, “PARATISSIMA”, Turin, curated by Heyart Cultural Association.
September 2013, personal, “ESTETICA DEL BIANCOMANGIARE”, Lyceum Club Internazionale, Florence, curated by Aurora Nomellini.
September 2013, collective, “IL CIBO NELL’ARTE, L’ARTE DEL CIBO”, Ex-Bertolli, Lucca, curated by Siliano Simoncini.
July 2013, collective, “LOCUS ANIMAE 8”, Kursaal, Jesolo (VE), curated by Stefano Momentè.
May 2013, collective, “LOOK AT ME!”, Municipal Art Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gaeta, curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
April 2013, solo show, “LA NATURA DELLE COSE”, La Fortezza Art Gallery, Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO), curated by Filippo Gori.
April 2013, collective, ” ARTE NEL TESSUTO – TESSUTO NELL’ARTE”, Visitor Center of the Protected Area of Monteferrato, Montemurlo (PO), curated by Ilaria Magni.
March 2013, personal exhibition, “SPETTRO”, Lato Gallery, Prato, curated by Filippo Gori.
March 2013, collective, “DONNE INQUIETE. GEOGRAFIA E IDENTITA’ 01″, various locations, Trieste, edited by Beth Vermeer.
March 2013, collective, “THINK PINK – UNO SGUARDO (POSITIVO) VERSO IL FUTURO”, Galleria Art Forum, Bologna, curated by Adriana Maria Soldini.
January 2013, collective, “LIGHTNESS”, Galleria Marelia, Bergamo, curated by Paola Silvia Ubiali.
January 2013, collective, “ENTROPIE”, Sala del Basolato Palazzo Comunale, Fiesole (FI), curated by Heyart Cultural Association.
December 2012, collective, “LUCI SULLE MURA”, Porta degli Angeli, Ferrara, curated by Vincenzo Biavati.
November 2012, collective, “THE OTHERS”, Autofocus and Ufofabrik Gallery, Ex Carceri Le Nuove, Turin.
September 2012, solo show, “DI PUNTO IN BIANCO, TUTTO D’UN TRATTO, IMPROVVISAMENTE”, F_Air, Florence, curated by Matteo Innocenti.
July 2012, collective, “INTO THE DARKNESS”, Cell63 Art Gallery, Berlin, curated by Adriana Maria Soldini.
July 2012, collective, “ARTQUAKE”, Cloisters of San Domenico, Reggio Emilia.
July 2012, collective, “PREMIO BASI 2012”, Italo Calvino Municipal Library, Castiglione della Pescaia, curated by Silvia Petronici.
June 2012, collective, “(OLTRE) LA STRADA”, Opera 22, Prato, curated by Franco Bertini.
May 2012, collective, “NOTTE DEI TALENTI DEL FORUM DELLA MERITOCRAZIA”, Auditorium, Milan, by Ellequadro Documenti.
April 2012, collective, “RIVALUTACTION”, Riva Lofts Florence, Florence, curated by Silvia Petronici.
April 2012, collective, “COLLAUDO STATICO DESIGNER&CO + GONNELLI – LAMBERTI – MEZZADRI”, scatolabianca(etc.), Milan, curated by Martina Cavallarin.
March 2012, collective and first prize, “PREMIO GAT – GIOVANI ARTISTI DI TALENTO”, Villa La Vedetta, Florence, curated by Matteo Innocenti and Andrea Granchi.
January 2012, collective, “LIGHTNESS COLLECTIVE SHOW 2012”, Mya Lurgo Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland.
November 2011, collective and installation first prize, “PREMIO PROFEZIE PRESENTI EXPO 2015”, Municipal Library, Buscate (MI).
October 2011, collective, “500GGI – LE VITE DELL’ARTE IN CONTEMPORANEA”, Casa Vasari, Florence, curated by Francesco Galluzzi and Melania Lanzini.
October 2011, collective, “MORLOTTI AWARD – IMBERSAGO 2011”, Imbersago (LC).
October 2011, collective, “UFOFABRIK PRIZE 2011”, UfoFabrik Gallery, Moena (TN).
July 2011, collective, “VISUAL ALTERATIONS – OPPOSITE BALANCES”, Arcidosso Castle, Arcidosso (GR), curated by Artq.
July 2011, collective, “PREMIO BASI”, Parco di Pietra, Roselle, Grosseto, curated by Silvia Petronici.
June 2011, collective, “ZOOART”, Giardini Fresia, Cuneo, curated by Michela Sacchetto.
May 2011, collective, “S(CORPO)RO”, Municipal Art Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gaeta, curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
February 2011, collective, “PREMIO TECHNE”, Congress Center, Parma, curated by Kikaevents.
January 2011, solo show, “ACUTO – GRAVE – METTERE IN ARMONIA IL DISCORDE”, Mya Lurgo Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland, curated by Martina Cavallarin.
November 2010, collective, “OPEN DESIGN ITALIA”, Foro Boario, Modena, curated by La Pillola and Leedesign.
June 2010, solo show, “DETOURNEMENT VENISE 2010”, Palazzo Albrizzi, Venice, curated by Beth Vermeer.
June 2010, collective, “ART AND THE CITY”, Spazioblue Gallery, Bologna, curated by Simona Gavioli.
March 2010, collective, “VIRTU@LIS”, Municipal Art Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gaeta (LT), curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
February 2010, solo show, “LA MATERIA DELLA MEMORIA”, ShowRoom Ottica Ing. Benedetto, Settimo Torinese, curated by Olga Gambari.
January 2010, collective “ALCHIMIA DEBOLE”, Studio Lattanzi and Fileni, curated by Vittoria Biasi.
November 2009, solo show, “LA MATERIA DELLA MEMORIA”, ShowRoom Baricole, Turin, curated by Olga Gambari.
October 2009, first prize Medal of the President of the Republic, “PORTICATO GAETANO”, Gaeta, curated by the Novecento Cultural Association.
September 2009, first prize “AUTOFOCUS 1”, promoted by Vanni, Turin, curated by Olga Gambari.
September 2009, collective, “PREMIO ARTE”, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, curated by Arte Mondadori magazine.
June 2009, collective, “GENERATION ’80”, ModenArte Gallery, Venice, curated by Niccolò Bonechi and Gabriele Tosi.
June 2009, collective, “GENERATION ’80”, Atrium Court, Pistoia, curated by Niccolò Bonechi and Gabriele Tosi.
May 2009, collective, “START POINT”, Galleria Biagiotti, Florence.
May 2009, collective, “START POINT”, Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence.
May 2009, collective, “TRAIETTORIE 2”, Ex-Murate, Florence, curated by Giuliana Videtta and Andrea Granchi.
January 2009, solo show, “IL GIOCO DELLE SILFIDI”, Tea Garden, Prato, curated by Martina Altigeri and Franco Bertini.
November 2008, collective and special prize, “ARTEMISIA”, Vanvitelliana Fortress, Ancona, by the Artemisia Cultural Association.
October 2008, solo show, “M’IDEA”, International Lyceum Club, Florence, curated by Aurora Nomellini.
October 2008, collective, “ARTE LAGUNA”, Benetton Foundation, Treviso, curated by Igor Zanti.
September 2008, collective, “I LUOGHI DI GIOVANNI FATTORI NELL’ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI FIRENZE. PASSATO E PRESENTE”, Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, curated by Anna Gallo Martucci and Giuliana Videtta.
September 2008, collective and first prize in sculpture academy section, “PREMIO ARTE”, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, curated by Arte Mondadori magazine.
June 2008, collective, “MULHOUSE 008”, international exhibition of the Academies of France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy, Mulhouse, France.
May 2008, collective, “VIRTU@LIS”, Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno, curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
January 2008, collective, “GERMINAZIONI”, Palazzo Chianini – Vincenzi, Arezzo, curated by Matilde Puleo.
October 2007, solo show, “MOSTRA – SINGOLARE FEMMINILE”, Marginalia, Prato, curated by Sara Vannacci.
October 2007, “CANTIERE DI VIDEO ARTE” with the artist Tessa M. Den Uyl, Vicchio (FI), curated by Fiammetta Strigoli and Promere Cultural Association.
July 2007, workshop with the artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa and collective, “MANUFATTO IN SITU”, Cancelli di Foligno, curated by Emanuele De Donno.
March 2007, collective, “DEMONE MERIDIANO”, Galleria Passo Blu, Turin, curated by Viviana Siviero.
January 2007, open-air collective, “OTTO VARIABILITA ‘”, in Prato.
December 2006, collective and prize Department of Culture of the Municipality of Genoa, “SATURARTE”, Palazzo Stella, Genoa, curated by Associazione Culturale Satura.
October 2006, solo show, “EGOCENTRICA”, View on Trends, Prato.
September 2006, solo show, “(S)VELATE”, Civic Museum, Albissola Marina.
September 2006, collective, “DONNE DAGLI OCCHI GRANDI”, Villa Marta, Lucca, curated by Valerio Grimaldi.
September 2006, collective, “CON+DOMINIO”, Mega+Mega, Arezzo, curated by Matilde Puleo.
July 2006, collective symposium, “CRESPERIMENTART 2006”, Crespina, curated by Cre-A Cultural Association.
June 2006, collective, “OPEN SUORCE”, Arezzo, curated by Matilde Puleo.
April 2006, collective, “ATTENZIONE ALLE TESTE”, Palazzo Pretorio, Buggiano Castello (PT), curated by Giuliana Videtta.
April 2006, collective, “BIENNALE DEL LIBRO D’ARTISTA”, Spoleto.
March 2006, solo show, “LE CORPS DANS TOUS SES E’TATS”, Meyer Le Bihan Gallery, Paris, curated by Celine Charissou.
November 2005, solo show, “COMMENT LA GRÂCE VIENT AUX OBJETS”, Chapelle Sainte Anne, Tours, France, curated by Cleanne (Anne Cantaloube, Celine Charissou and Christian Charissou).
September 2005, collective symposium, “SCULTURE 2005 – LE ACQUE”, San Giuliano Terme (PI), curated by Renato Baldasserini.
June 2005, workshop and collective, “CORPI”, San Giovanni Valdarno (AR), curated by Paola Bertoncini.
April 2005, collective and first prize, “EUROPEAN ARTEAM PRIZE 2005”, Albissola Marina (SV), curated by Arteam.
February 2005, collective, “IL LETTO DI GIULIETTA”, Gallery XX.9.12, Verona.
March 2005, collective “BANDO ALLE DONNE”, Castelfiorentino.
October 2004, collective, “PREMIO ARTE”, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, curated by Arte Mondadori magazine.
November 2004, collective, “IL BELLO DEL BELLO”, University of Baronissi, Salerno.
October 2004, workshop with the artist Dragana Parlac and collective, “NETWORKING 2004”, Prato, curated by Lorenzo Bruni and Lorenzo Giusti.
October 2004 collective “MORBIDAMENTE DONNA”, Elena Mirò, Milan.
September 2004, solo show, “QUANDO LA MEMORIA FINISCE NELLE SCATOLE”, Palazzetto Alamanni Art Gallery, Montevarchi (AR).
July 2004, collective and first prize, “PORTICATO GAETANO 2004”, Gaeta (LT), curated by the Novecento Cultural Association.
July 2004, collective, “BIENNALE DELL’ILLUSTRAZIONE”, Colmurano (MC).
June 2004, collective symposium, “CRESPERIMENTART 2004”, Crespina (PI), curated by Cre-A Cultural Association.
May 2004, collective, “MORLOTTI PRIZE – IMBERSAGO 2004”, Imbersago (LC).
November 2003, collective and editorial award, “PREMIO ESPOARTE”, Albissola Marina (SV), curated by Arteam.
November 2003, collective, “COME L’ACQUA”, University of Baronissi, Salerno.
November 2003, collective and special mention, “PREMIO IGNAZIO SILONE”, Ascoli Piceno.
October 2003, collective and first prize, “ARTE DONNA 2003”, Livorno.
September 2003, collective symposium, “EXTEMPORE 2003”, Suvereto (LI).
July 2003, collective and special mention, “PORTICATO GAETANO 2003”, Gaeta (LT), by Novecento Cultural Association.
June 2003, collective and first prize sculpture, “REMO GARDESCHI”, Moncioni (AR), organized by Remo Gardeschi Cultural Association.
July 2002, collective of artist’s books, “OPUS LIBER”, curated by Andrea Granchi.
June 2002, collective and third prize, “UGO CAPOCCHINI”, Barberino Val d’Elsa.
Reference Galleries
STUDIO 38 Contemporary Art Gallery, Pistoia
Nuvole Arte Contemporanea, Montesarchio (BN)
Artforum, Bologna
La Fortezza, Gradisca d’Isonzo (GO)
Nellimya Arthouse, Lugano (CH)
September 2018, educational workshop “CONFINI” 6-14 years, Palagiano, (TA), Z.N.S. Via Murat Art Container.
August 2016, educational workshop “CONFINI” 6-14 years, Castelbottaccio, (CB), Limiti Inchiusi arte contemporanea Cultural Association.
June 2014, “CONFINI” educational workshop 6-14 years, Momigno, (PT), Momigno Cultura Association.
Extra Project Experience
December 2020, participation in the board game “ARSCODE – IL GIOCO DELL’ARTE”, from an idea by Diego Santamaria, vanillaedizioni.
May 2020, book cover “I POETI CI TWEETTANO” by Giuseppe Strazzi, Il Sextante, Rome.
January 2020, publication of the project “COME ISOLATE NUBI”, within the new artist magazine “Ŏpĕra”, edited by ATTIVA Cultural Projects ETS.
From May 2019, curator of the series of meetings entitled /Sim·bï·ón·te/ at InCUBOAzione.
March 2018, video installation project for performance “ROSE GIALLE IN UNA COPPA NERA”, curated by Club Pavese+Tenco, Arts Factory.
February 2013, book cover “GABBIANI IPOTETICI” by Francesca Del Moro, Cicorivolta Edizioni, Villafranca Lunigiana (MS).
April 2011, editorial project, “CASE D’ARTE – GUIDA AI LUOGHI DELLA CREATIVITÀ”, by the Cultural Association.
December 2010, scene design “LA GATTA SUL TETTO CHE SCOTTA” Theater Company “I Giardini dell’Arte”, Florence.
December 2008, design and construction of the “MAGGIORE TI GUIDA NELLARTE” prize donated in Rome, to four important personalities who distinguished themselves for their commitment in the fight against AIDS.
June 2007, design and construction of the “MAGGIORE TI GUIDA NELL’ARTE” prize donated in Rome to Carla Fracci.
Solo Show Publications
September 2017, monographic, ” COS’È CHE MI HA PORTATO FINO A QUI…”, Vimercate (MB), edited by Simona Bartolena.
February 2010, monographic, “THE MATTER OF MEMORY”, https://issuu.com/vanni_eyewear/docs/catalogo_federica_gonnelli_concorso Torino, edited by Olga Gambari.
September 2004, monographic, “QUANDO LA MEMORIA FINISCE NELLE SCATOLE”, Palazzetto Alamanni Art Gallery, Montevarchi (AR).
Collective Publications
November 2020, collective, “A CASA TUTTI BENE. L’ARTE AI TEMPI DEL CORONAVIRUS: UN DIARIO CORALE”, an idea by Francesca Di Giorgio, vanillaedizioni.
November 2020, collective, “40 DAYS – ARTISTI IN QUARANTENA”, curated by Mattia Lapperier, vanillaedizioni.
October 2020, collective, “ARTEAM CUP 2020”, Dino Zoli Foundation, Forlì, curated by Matteo Galbiati, Livia Savorelli, Nadia Stefanel, vanillaedizioni.
October 2020, “PER QUANTO TEMPO è PER SEMPRE”, https://issuu.com/leomoro91/docs/catalogo_celle
Cold rooms – Officina Giovani, Prato, curated by Spela Zidar and Leonardo Moretti.
February 2020, “IPOTESI DI FELICITà / HYPOTHESIS OF HAPPINESS”, https://issuu.com/artfairs/docs/2020_catalogo_justmad JustMad Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid.
December 2019, “EX VOTO / PER ARTE RICEVUTA”, Marino Marini Museum, Florence, curated by Angelo Crespi.
November 2019, “PAESAGGIO”, Villa Borromeo D’Adda, Arcore (MB), curated by Simona Bartolena and Armando Fettolini.
September 2019, “ARTEAM CUP 2019”, Villa Nobel, Sanremo (IM), curated by Arteam.
May 2019, “LA SUPERFICIE ACCIDENTATA”, Fourteen ArTellaro, Tellaro di Lerici (SP), curated by Gino D’Ugo.
March 2019, “OTHER IDENTITY – ALTRE FORME DI IDENTITÀ CULTURALI E PUBBLICHE”, https://issuu.com/otheridentity/docs/catalogo_other_identity_2019 Genova, edited by Francesco Arena.
February 2019, “POETRY AS A FORM OF RAPID MOVEMENT OF THE EYES”, Hybrid, Madrid.
December 2018, “VANNI AUTOFOCUS 10 ANNI”, https://issuu.com/vanni_eyewear/docs/autofocus_10_anni Torino.
December 2018, “VISIONI”, https://issuu.com/leomoro91/docs/catalogo_visioni2 Prato, curated by Leonardo Moretti and Lara Bardazzi.
October 2018, “48H”, https://issuu.com/leomoro91/docs/catalogo_48h Florence, curated by Leonardo Moretti.
July 2018, “68/REVOLUTION. MEMORIE, NOSTALGIE, OBLII”, Oristano, curated by Chiara Schirru and Ivo Serafino Fenu.
June 2018, “OfficinARS IN FIERI”, Nola, (NA), edited by Associazione Villa Sistemi Reggiana.
May 2018, “ARTEAM CUP 2018”, https://issuu.com/espoartemag/docs/ac18 Forlì, curated by Arteam.
February 2018, “TESI – TRA LE ATTESE”, SetUp Contemporary Art Fair, Bologna.
October 2017, “ARTEAM CUP 2017”, https://issuu.com/espoartemag/docs/ebook_arteamcup2017 Canneto sull’Oglio, edited by Arteam.
September 2017, “1st CLASS ARTERY 01 #WUNDERKAMMER”, Lugano, Switzerland, curated by Mya Lurgo and Omar Antonelli.
October 2017, “222 ARTISTI EMERGENTI SU CUI INVESTIRE”, curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Exibart.
May 2017, “BE NATURAL/BE WILD” award, Biella, (BI), curated by Alessandra Redaelli.
April 2017, “V_AIR 2017 Vimercate Art in Residence”, Vimercate, (MB), curated by Martina Corgnati.
April 2017, “VIVA ITALIA! ARTE ITALIANA DEL XX E XXI SECOLO”, Sofia, (BG), a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
January 2017, “IL CORPO SOLITARIO” by Giorgio Bonomi, Rubettino Contemporary Art.
January 2017, “LIGHT ART IN ITALY – Temporary Installations 2015-2016” by Gisella Gellini, Maggioli Editore.
October 2016, “NEL CAMPO DEL VICINO”, Vercelli, various curators.
October 2016, “ARTEAM CUP 2016”, https://issuu.com/espoartemag/docs/catalogo_arteamcup2016 Alessandria, curated by Arteam.
October 2016, “LA BELLEZZA RESTA” Vimercate, curated by Simona Bartolena and Armando Fettolini.
September 2016, “PREMIO CREATIVITà CITTà DI MARSCIANO”, Marsciano, (PG).
August 2016, “BIENNALE ITALIA – CINA”, Beijing, China, curated by Sandro Orlandi Stagl.
August 2016, “VIS à VIS – FUORILUOGO 19”, Castelbottaccio, (CB), a project by Limiti Inchiusi arte contemporanea Cultural Association, curated by Silvia Valente.
August 2016, “ENEGANART. DA FACES A CAMBIAMENTI”, Massa Marittima, (GR).
June 2016, “VIVA ITALIA! ARTE ITALIANA DEL XX E XXI SECOLO”, Bratislava, (SK), a project by Carlo Palli Archive, curated by Laura Monaldi.
June 2016, “ESSENTIA RERUM”, San Leucio, (CE), a project by and with Sergio Gioielli, curated by Massimiliano Sbrescia.
February 2016, “CARTABIANCA”, Montesarchio (BN), curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
February 2016, “WALL”, Florence, edited by Psike Association.
January 2016, “LA PERSEVERANZA”, Brescia, by Associazione per arte Le Stelle.
November 2015, “DEATH”, Lucca, in collaboration with Amnesty International, various curators.
October 2015, “ARTEAM CUP 2015”, https://issuu.com/vanillaedizioni/docs/arteamcup_2015 Venice, curated by Arteam.
October 2015, “ART SITE MONFERRATO”, https://issuu.com/phanespublishing/docs/artsite2015 various locations, curated by Domenico Maria Papa.
September 2015, “SAC, MARI TRA LE MURA”, Polignano a Mare, curated by the Pino Pascali Foundation, Edoardo Trisciuzzi and Nicola Zito.
September 2015, “BOCCONI AMARI – A PINK ART FOOD SHOW”, Mantua, curated by Francesca Baboni, Gianfranco Ferlisi and Stefano Taddei.
September 2015, ” VITAMINE – TAVOLETTE ENERGETICHE”, Florence, curated by Laura Monaldi and Carlo Palli Archive.
June 2015, “BIENNALE ITALIA – CINA”, Turin, curated by Sandro Orlandi Stagl.
December 2014, “ARTE PER ORTO – QUARANTASEI OPERE DI ARTISTI CONTEMPORANEI ALL’ASTA PER IL GIARDINO DEI SEMPLICI”, https://issuu.com/vaiabalekis/docs/catalogo_arte_per_orto and https://issuu.com/vaiabalekis/docs/09dic_catalogo_low_p_singole Xenos Arte Contemporanea, Florence, curated by Vaia Balekis.
November 2014, “GLI SPAZI DEL SOGNO”, Biffi Arte, Piacenza, curated by Alessandra Redaelli.
September 2013, “IL CIBO NELL’ARTE, L’ARTE DEL CIBO”, Ex-Bertolli, Lucca, curated by Siliano Simoncini.
July 2013, “LOCUS ANIMAE 8”, https://issuu.com/mariannamerler/docs/catalogolocus2013_low Kursaal, Jesolo (VE), curated by Stefano Momentè.
May 2013, “LOOK AT ME!”, Municipal Art Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gaeta, curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
July 2012, “PREMIO BASI 2012”, https://issuu.com/premiobasi/docs/premio_basi._per_l_arte_contemporanea_2012
Italo Calvino Municipal Library, Castiglione della Pescaia, curated by Silvia Petronici.
March 2012, “PREMIO GAT – GIOVANI ARTISTI DI TALENTO”, https://issuu.com/ellequadrodocumenti/docs/catalogo_premio_gat Villa La Vedetta, Florence, curated by Matteo Innocenti and Andrea Granchi.
January 2012, “ART IN ITALY”, Verona, curated by Paola Mattioli and Adriano Parise.
October 2011, “500GGI – LE VITE DELL’ARTE IN CONTEMPORANEA”, Casa Vasari, Florence, curated by Francesco Galluzzi and Melania Lanzini.
May 2011, “S(CORPO)RO”, Municipal Art Gallery of Contemporary Art, Gaeta, curated by Adriana M. Soldini.
November 2010, “OPEN DESIGN ITALIA”, Foro Boario, Modena, curated by La Pillola and Leedesign.
October 2009, “PORTICATO GAETANO”, Gaeta, by Novecento Cultural Association.
June 2009, “GENERATION ’80”, ModenArte Gallery, Venice and Tribunal Atrium, Pistoia, curated by Niccolò Bonechi and Gabriele Tosi.
November 2008, “ARTEMISIA”, Vanvitelliana Fortress, Ancona, by Artemisia Cultural Association.
October 2008, “PREMIO ARTE LAGUNA”, https://issuu.com/artelagunaprize/docs/artelagunaartprize2008_scultura Benetton Foundation, Treviso, curated by Igor Zanti.
September 2008, ” I LUOGHI DI GIOVANNI FATTORI NELL’ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI DI FIRENZE. PASSATO E PRESENTE”, Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, curated by Anna Gallo Martucci and Giuliana Videtta.
March 2007, “DEMONE MERIDIANO”, Galleria Passo Blu, Turin, curated by Viviana Siviero.
April 2006, “BIENNALE DEL LIBRO D’ARTISTA”, Spoleto.
April 2005, “EUROPEAN ARTEAM PRIZE 2005”, Albissola Marina (SV), curated by Arteam.
June 2003, “PREMIO REMO GARDESCHI”, Moncioni (AR), by Remo Gardeschi Cultural Association.
2020, assemblage of organza and fine art print on Magnani paper, wooden support, 12 elements 45×33.75×4.5 cm each, 145x150x4.5 cm total size
2020, watercolour graphite, ecoline, digital printing, solvent-based printing on organza and Magnani paper, cotton thread and looped video projection. 106 elements 15,4×20,4 cm each.
2020, assemblage of natural vegetable and mineral pigments on Fedrigoni paper, wooden support, wax-finished cast ceramic plaster sculpture and water-based print on organza, 5 elements 25x25x3.5 cm each, 5 elements 25x10x3.5 cm each, 5 elements 30×30 cm each, 150x150x3.5 cm total size.
2020, assemblage of organza and ecoline, watercolour pencils, water-soluble prints on cotton paper, cotton thread and various materials. 62 + X elements 30×24 cm each.
2020, assemblage of image printed with solvent on organza and fabric, support and wooden frame. 2 elements 72x52x5 cm each