Elena Salvini
Born in 1934
date of inserition W.A.D. 10/2021
I was born in Florence on 1st of February 1934, and since then I have always been attracted to anything that is concerned with books, paper and scissors. When I was five years old, I started playing the violin, thus developing a great interest in music. At that same time, I felt the need to spend time out of my place: I used to go into the woods with my father while he was hunting. This way, I had the chance to be deeply in touch with nature. Hunting was not essential, yet the spectacle of the rising sun was indeed. Since then, I started taking pictures and I often still hold a camera in my hands.
During wartime I moved to my uncle’s place in Settignano with my whole family, which was a great change in my life. In that period my relationship with nature increased: I used to spend entire days on olive trees’ branches or in the field, where I could help my uncle harvesting potatoes and other products.
After having attended middle school, I was enrolled in Liceo Classico Michelangelo, against my will. As I did not have the chance to express myself through drawing at school, I started drawing for the artworks commissioned to my mother. My mother started teaching embroidery when she was young and thanks to some friends of hers who had some acquaintances in the USA, embroidery became a very important job for her.
I had dreamt to become an architect since I was a child, but considering my aversion to numbers, I decided to attend a bachelor’s degree in scenography at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze. Those four years at the Accademia went by easily; we were 8 students in a big studio in San Marco square. At the end of the degree, I turned out to be ‘best student of the year’ which entitled me to a win a scholarship in the U.S. I could pick any place to live in the U.S. for a year. However, my English was not good enough, so I decided to spend some time in the UK first. It was a very right choice for me: I had a great time there and I found some very precious friends. Furthermore, I used to spend so much time in the etching room of the Victoria and Albert Musem that I attracted the attention of one of the guards who did a big favour to me: he opened the door that was connected to the Royal College of Art and called a Professor who used to work there. Thanks to that meeting, I was able to attend the Royal College of Art and I became friends with Dick Fozard, who allowed me to participate freely to his classes and provided me with all the slabs I needed to realize my etching works.
Spending time in London brought me a lot of satisfaction every day. Moreover, it was a healing period as my partner Pierangelo, having to attend engineering at the University of Pisa, decided he could not continue our relationship. When he graduated, he called my mother and came to London to visit me. I was about to take off to India with my British friends: I had planned to take notes of our daily life and although I was very sad to give up on this adventure with my British friends, I thought I could not refuse the opportunity to have a relationship with Pierangelo, so I preferred to meet him.
It was the right decision. We came back to Florence and here I found peace, the pleasure of long strolls and the joy of giving birth to my two precious daughters: Beatrice and Sibilla.
The job I was doing for my mother did not last long; this allowed me to start working on my personal research freely. Since the 80’s I started painting with the materials I knew such as strings, silks, organza and paint. I could notice that the people who looked at my artworks were enthusiastic at the realization that there could still be room for non-abstract art. In the same years, I started using Smemoranda agendas who were generously given to me by Feltrinelli Bookshop’s Director, and I still use them since then. I have a daily relationship with these pages: they contain references to what I read and what I love. I usually take notes on them about what I see and I draw anything that happens to me, anything that I perceive or approve.
In the last thirty years I showed my paintings in numerous art exhibitions, both in Italy and abroad. I like to recall some of those exhibitions, like the one at the Dante Alighieri Society in Losanna, Switzerland, where my works were welcomed with enthusiasm and numerous paintings were sold.
Another pleasant memory goes back to when I was invited to the U.S.: we were six people from Italy invited by a Russian gentleman who hoped we could teach Americans our traditional techniques. It was a very interesting experience from many points of view; furthermore, he gave us the possibility to participate in two exhibitions organized in two different places.
Works with natural elements, photographs, various materials on different supports
Designer of tablecloth embroidery for her mother Leonella Casini Salvini, Florence
Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Scenography (110 cum laude), Florence
Diploma of Maturity to the classical high school “Michelangelo”, Florence
Exhibitions, conferences and presentations
2019 – exhibition “Memorie future” with an installation of Antonella Bussanich. Studio of Architecture and Photography Pierallini-Virdis, Florence
2018 – exhibition “Imprevedibile quel qualcosa che scopro” at the Biblioteca San Giorgio di Pistoia, curated by Eliana Princi, Sibilla Pierallini. Presentation of Eliana Princi, Manuela Mancioppi, Aldo Frangioni
2016 – Graphic intervention for invitation and poster “Nel nome di Gaia” – Women’s thought for a renewed vision of the world, Sala Ferri, Gabinetto Vieusseux, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
2015 – meeting between artists target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” “BORSE NERE, Terra, cielo e Buoni-talenti”, parco Mediceo di Pratolino, Florence, curated by ESP
2015 – exhibition “Visite di Foglie” Le Murate Gallery, Florence, curated by Elda Torres
2014 – collective exhibition “Rosso di Donne” Galleria SenzaLimite Arte, Colle Val d’Elsa, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier
2014 – exhibition “Bosco Sacro Domestico”, for the Tenth Day of Contemporary Art AMACI, Auditorium San Michele Arcangelo, Macerata, curated by Elda Torres
2014 – meeting between artists “Borse Nere in Labirinto” in Temporary Reletionships di Manuela Mancioppi, Saci Gallery, Palazzo dei Cartelloni, via Sant’Antonino, Florence
2014 – exhibition in Piazza della Chiesa and Porto alla “Salata” at Capraia Island, Tuscany
2014 – exhibition “Complice la luce”, centro Alisè, Scandicci (Florence) curated by Lara-Vinca Masini
2013 – collective exhibition “Regalami l’arte”, LuzArt Gallery, Florence, curated by Nadija Chekoufi
2013 – “Il gioco”, artist’s books, Antonella Pratesi Antichità, Cortile Fossombroni, Florence
2012 – Performance “LA BIBLIOTHECA ALEXANDRINA “Earthly traces before the Apocalypse”, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier
2012 – artistic event “Il filo degli altri/the filo of the others” Saci Gallery, Jules Maidoff Centre of Art, Florence, curated by Lorenzo Pezzatini
2012 – collective exhibition “Party with self-portrait ” Conventino fuori le Mura, Florence, curated by Archive for Women’s Memory and Writing “Alessandra Contini Bonacossi”
2012 – collective exhibition “Dove sta ‘Za’?”, 110 artists for the 110 years of Cesare Zavattini, spazio Quadro 0,96, Studio Tecnico Associato di Architettura, Fiesole, curated by Paolo Della Bella e Aldo Frangioni
2012 – exhibition for the convention “Environment and biodiversity from a care perspective”, curated by Vilma Baricalla. Gabinetto Vieusseux, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
2012 – exhibition with Rita Pedullà “Da dentro” in “Women’s Long Path to Equal Rights” presented by Gabriella Izzi Benedetti, organized by Maria Luisa Stringa del Centro Unesco of Florence, in collaboration with Italian Federation of Women Graduates and Graduates, Salone degli Oceani, Hotel Mediterraneo, Florence
2011 – meeting between artists “Borse nere alla ricerca di spazi senza roghi”, Chiostro Grande, Biblioteca della Oblate, Florence, curated by Elena Salvini Pierallini
2011 – exhibition with Rita Pedullà “Da dentro”, Casa abitata, Florence
2011 – artistic event “Il mondo che vogliamo” F-Utili Gioielli e libri d’artista per Emergency, Sala Madonna della Neve, Ex Murate, Florence
2011 – video installation of Antonella Bussanich, “COPPIE”, with Elena Salvini Pierallini and Pierangelo Pierallini, Istituto Francese, Florence
2010 – meeting between artists “Borse nere, Tane, Rifugi”, Sala del Ballatoio, Istituto di Biologia, Florence, with speeches by Vilma Baricalla and Paolo Chiozzi
2010 – collective exhibition “Donna oggi. Nel linguaggio delle artiste del Soroptimist d’Italia”, Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, curated by Stefania Severi
2009 – meeting between artists “Borse nere come rondini”, 33 proposals taken in flight, Biblioteca di Scandicci (Florence), curated by Elena Salvini Pierallini
2009 – collective exhibition “Luna e l’altro” archetipo, Palazzo Panciatichi, Florence, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier and Sandra Landi
2009 – meeting between artists “Borse nere come nidi”, Salone del Brunelleschi, Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence, curated by Elena Salvini Pierallini
2008 – collective exhibition “Madre matrigna e amante tradita” in EcoArtFestival curated by Elda Torres, Ex Pretura di Pomarance and Villa Palagione, Volterra
2007 – “Manoscritta”, interactive performance by Maria Pia Moschini, Caffè Storico Letterario Giubbe Rosse, Florence, in conjunction with the World Poetry Day Unesco and the Poetry Market, curated by Liliana Ugolini
2007 – collective exhibition “Ore d’Artista”, Libreria Libri Liberi, via San Gallo, Florence, from an idea of Giovanna di Marco
2007 – meeting between artists “BORSE NERE Vento Forte”, Piazza della Chiesa, Capraia Island, curated by Elena Salvini Pierallini
2007 – “Pater, paternità e dintorni”, Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence, curated by Sandra Landi, in collaboration with Council of Equal Opportunities of the Tuscany Region, Equal Opportunities Commission of the Tuscany Region, Association Griseldascrittura
2007 – collective exhibition “Primavera italiana. Italia in Giappone 2007, 7th EEA21, Ecology Earth Art 21 2007 Summer” Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Tokyo, curated by Yoshitaka Yokozawa (ass. EEA21), Italian section curated by Elda Torres
2007 – artistic event “Il fantasma nel castello…il mistero”, workshop Griseldascrittura 2007, Palazzo Pretorio, Certaldo, curated by Sandra Landi
2006 – Conference Female companies: between dynamism, stress and new creative entrepreneurship, “ESP/Tra fili, sassi e foto”, Sala Verde, Palazzo Incontri, Florence. Presentation of Ambrogio Brenna, Ovidio Montecchi, Rosa Gentile, Tilde Tacci, in collaboration with Confartigianato, Donne Impresa/Imprese Florence
2006 – “CON ARTE MI SIA dolce festeggiarti, homage to Artemisia Calcagni”, Caffè Storico Letterario Giubbe Rosse, Florence, curated by Massimo Mori, Lucia Chimirri, Gianni Broi, Tiziano Pecchioli, with patronage of Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence
2006 – exhibition for “Reading in the World, World Book Day”, Sala della Cassa di Risparmio, via Folco Portinari, Florence, curated by Maria Luisa Stringa for UNESCO
2006 – collective exhibition “Bestiari di genere. Nature dell’immaginario e percorsi culturali”, Archivio di Stato, Florence, in collaboration with the City of Florence, Department of Culture, Archive for Women’s Memory and Writing, Center of, Soroptimist of Florence, University of Florence
2006 – Speech for “Inespresso Caffè, Intravisioni” Giubbe Rosse, Florence, curated by Maria Pia Moschini
2005 – exhibition at Accademia dei Georgofili “Semi in volo”, Logge Uffizi Corti. Presentation of the Director and Cristina Acidini Lucinat
2005 – Convention “Per/formare la vita” un laboratorio a Pianeta Poesia, Caffè Storico Letterario Giubbe Rosse, Florence. Presentation of Massimo Mori, Franco Manescalchi, Liliana Ugolini
2005 – collective exhibition “Animali nella storia e nell’arte di Firenze” Notturno in Porta Rossa, Florence, in collaboration with the city of Florence, Assessorato alla Valorizzazione delle Feste e Tradizioni Popolari
2004 – exhibition “Covare sassi” percorso poetico visivo, Giardino dei Ciliegi, Convento delle Oblate, Florence, with the patronage of the Department of Culture of the City of Florence, curated by Mara Baronti
2004 – Performance “Un filo teso tra silenzio e parole, parole e panni al vento”, Terrazze del Convento delle Oblate, Florence, curated by Elena Salvini Pierallini
2004 – exhibition “Dappertutto si legge” World Book Day, Uffizi Center Art Gallery, Florence, curated by Unesco Florence, with Maria Luisa Stringa
2004 – exhibition “Ancore galleggianti”, Caffè Hemingway, Florence
2004 – “La multimedialità della parola-poesia performativa” Caffè Storico Letterario Giubbe Rosse, Florence, in collaboration with the city of Florence, Assessorato alla Cultura, Pianeta Poesia
2004 – exhibition at the Archivio di Stato, Florence. Presentation of the book of Francesca Rigotti “La Filosofia delle piccole cose”, with photos of Elena Salvini Pierallini
2003 – Presentation of the book “Libri in piedi”, Archivio di Stato, Florence
2003 – exhibition “Finestre sull’assurdo”, Regione Toscana, Palazzo Panciatichi, Florence
2003 – “Arte Tecnologia Tradizione”, Chiostro del Convitto della Calza, Florence, curated by Soroptimist International
2002 – exhibition “Mani, tre modi di usarle”, in Il risveglio della Bellezza, Chiostro della Pieve di San Leolino, Panzano in Chianti (Florence)
2002 – Book reading of “Libri in Piedi” of Elena Salvini Pierallini in Presentazioni incrociate, in Incontri di Giugno su scrittura e memoria, Archivio di Stato, Firenze, curated by Rosalia Manno Tolu, in collaboration with Archivio per la Memoria e la Scrittura delle Donne
2002 – collective exhibition “FiFoFe, Fili Forme Festival, “Installations and performance on the wire with any object FILIFORME without any limit of”, CPA Fi-Sud, Florence
2002 – exhibition at Istituto Statale della Santissima Annunziata, Poggio Imperiale, Florence
2001 – exhibition “Alzando gli occhi vedo punte di ali e di stelle” in Festa della Santissima Annunziata, Istituto Statale della Santissima Annunziata, Poggio Imperiale, Florence
2001 – exhibition “Immagini di lettori nel mondo”, for the World Book and Copyright Day, Giubbe Rosse, Florence. With the patronage of Centro UNESCO of Florence, with Maria Luisa Stringa, Presentation of Lidia Kuskar Cresti and Paola Lucarini Poggi
2001 – exhibition “Omaggio all’Iris”, Villa Caruso Bellosguardo, Lastra a Signa (Florence), in collaboration with the City of Lastra a Signa
2001 – “Oltre il giallo. Gli artisti e l’enigma”, Il Segnalibro, Fiesole (Florence)
2001 – “Fili, linee e colori”, I National Biennial of Embroidery, Galleria L’Agostiniana, Rome, curated by Scuola di Ricamo Palestrina, in collaboration with Regione Lazio, Provincia di Roma, Commissione Europea, Comune di Palestrina, Camera di Commercio
2001 – collective exhibition “Affioramenti”, Case d’Arte, via della Mattonaia 25, Florence, curated by Giovanna Giusti
2000 – Presentation of the book “IL VENTO DEI PICCOLI GIARDINI”, Associazione Il Pianeta Poesia del Novecento, Sala delle Leopoldine, Piazza Tasso, Florence, curated by Liliana Ugolini
2000 – exhibition “Il filo dei saperi”, Castelfiorentino, Piazza Gramsci, Teatro del Popolo, Presentation of Sandra Landi
2000 – exhibition “Mangiar Sassi”, La Barbagianna, Casa per l’arte contemporanea, Florence, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier
2000 – exhibition “Sete, leggere trame”, Caffè Italiano, Florence, curated by Isolina Landolfi
2000 – exhibition “IL VENTO DEI PICCOLI GIARDINI”, Palazzo Giugni Firenze, organized by City of Florence, curated by Garden Club of Florence
1999 – Convention Donne artiste “Autore Donna”, Castello Pasquini, Castiglioncello (Livorno)
1999 – collective exhibition “Trama d’autore”, Fiera Arredo, Bologna
1999 – Conference about the book “La casa della Luce. Tra Architettura e poesia”, curated by Alberto Caramella con foto di Elena Salvini Pierallini
1998 – Conference of Paolo Berruti “L’arte di Elena Salvini Pierallini” for Associazione SCRITTURA E PSICHE”, at Amici dei Musei, via degli Alfani 39, Florence
1998 – exhibition “IN ATTESA, TAGLIO” Minimum Spazio d’Arte, Florence, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier, speeches by Elda Torres and Gianni Cascone
1998 – exhibition “Tra quelle pagine”, libreria Feltrinelli, via de’ Cerretani, Florence, Presentation of Giovanni Cipriani
1998 – collective exhibition “Minimario, di qua e di là d’Arno per Mario Mariotti”, Chiostro dell’Ammannati, Piazza Santo Spirito, Florence
1998 – exhibition “Per pagine e sentieri”, Milano Libri, via Verdi, Milano, curated by Anna Maria Gregorietti Gandini
1998 – collective exhibition “Blocco notes/notizblock”, La Barbagianna, Pontassieve (Florence), curated by Rendel Simonti
1998 – collective exhibition “Festa dell’Iris”, Chiostro Grande di Santa Maria Novella, Florence, under the patronage of the City of Florence and the Italian Society of Phytochemicals
1997 – exhibition “Cicli e Gesti”, G&G Arte, via Borgonuovo 1, Milan
1997 – Presentation by Anna Maria Feci Bevilacqua, Cesare Nissirio, Emanuela Politi Santoro of the book “Esprimere il tempo” at the library Al tempo ritrovato, Rome
1997 – Presentation by Elena Capretti of the book “Esprimere il tempo” at the studio of studio di Lietta Cavalli, Florence
1997 – Presentation by Anna Maria Verga Scheggi, Gabriella Fiori, Giovanna Giusti e Alessandra Borsetti Venier of the book “Esprimere il tempo” at the Castello di Santa Maria Novella, Certaldo.
1996 – exhibition “De Vite Superflua Demo” at the Palazzo dei Vini, Piazza Pitti, Florence
1996 – exhibition “il Faut cultiver notre jardin”, at the Lyceum Association, Palazzo Giugni, Florence, curated by Giovanna Fozzer
1996 – exhibition at the Lyceum Association, via Alfani 48 and Presentation of the book “Esprimere il tempo con ago e pennello” by Maria Maddalena Mosco
1996 – exhibition “Esprimere il Tempo” at the library Feltrinelli, Florence
1996 – Presentation of the book “Esprimere il tempo con ago e pennello”, Banca Toscana, Palazzo Portinari Salviati, via del Corso 6, Florence
1995 – exhibition, edificio Ex-Capitol, Florence
1995 – exhibition and conference for Association International Inner Wheel, Florence, premio Donna Toscana
1995 – exhibition and conference for Club Caterina de’ Medici, Villa Carlotta, Florence
1995 – exhibition and conference for Soroptimist Club, Hotel Minerva, Florence
1995 – exhibition “Fiori e foglie dovunque con fili”, Chiostro San Francesco, Comune di Figline Valdarno, (Florence)
1994 – exhibition “Per Filo e per segno” Area Domus, Rome, curated by Associazione Athena Parthenos, curated by Cesare Nissirio
1994 – exhibition and conference “Il nostro cerchio” for Associazione Il nostro cerchio, Hotel Ponte Vecchi, Florence
1994 – exhibition and conference by dott.ssa Marilena Mosco, for Lyons Club in Florence, proposed by Piera Agnoloni
1994 – exhibition at Farmacia Inglese, via Tornabuoni, Florence, curated by Lucia Celli
1993 – collective exhibition “Omaggio al Beato Angelico” at Vicchio, curated by Compagnia Il Paiolo
1993 – collective exhibition “Magie della Natura”, Garden Club, Lyceum, Palazzo Giugni, Florence
1992 – exhibition “L’anello del tempo, simboli in trasparenza”, Antico Oratorio della Passione, Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, curated by architect Carlo Capponi, Commissione Cultura Basilica Sant’Ambrogio
1991 – exhibition “L’Anello del Tempo e i suoi simboli”, at Villa Azalee (Ornella Brizzi), Florence
1991 – exhibition “Trasparenza e figurazioni simboliche”, within the convention IL BOSCO SACRO percorsi iniziatici nell’immaginario artistico e sacro. Villa Mondragone at Monteporzio Catone, Rome, curated by Elémire Zolla and Marina Maymone Siniscalchi
1991 – exhibition “Simboli in trasparenza”, Centro studi di Castel di Poggio, Florence, presentation byDirector Roberto Lunardi and television service of RAI 3
1989 – exhibition and conference “l’Anello del tempo e i suoi simboli”, at Società Dante Alighieri di Losanna, proposed by Ornella Brizzi, Presentation by Director Chino Alessi
1989 – exhibition “L’anello del tempo e i suoi simboli” at Syracuse University, Piazza Savonarola, Florence (Syracuse University Art Programme)
1988 – Project with Japan “Dal Medioevo al tempo futuro” Department of Culture of Rome, proposed by Renata Falco, Castello Sant’Angelo – Exhibition not realized for withdrawal of Japan
1987 – collective exhibition “IRIS” at the Loggia Rucellai, Florence, curated by Società dell’Iris, presentation by Elena Maugini’s
1986 – Conference “ARCANO E QUOTIDIANO” within the seminars “THE WOMAN IN THE MEDITERRANEAN CIVILIZATION FROM THE ARCHAIC ERA TO THE PRESENT DAY, HER ROLE AND HER CONTRIBUTION”, promoted by Federazione Italiana Donne Arti Professioni Affari, at the Palazzo Borghese, Florence
1985 – exhibition “ARCANO E QUOTIDIANO dai Libri d’Ore e da altri manoscritti medievali” at the Istituto Francese Grenoble, Florence, presentation and conference by Franco Cardini’s
1984 – Conference “Un’arte di secoli, il ricamo nell’esperienza di Elena Salvini Pierallini”, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, curated by Garden Club, Presentation by Marchesa Teresa Stiozzi Ridolfi
1983 – exhibition “Un’arte di secoli, il ricamo nell’esperienza di Elena Salvini Pierallini”, Palazzo Pretorio, Prato, presentation by Maria Grazia Ciardi Duprè dal Poggetto
1982 – exhibition and conference at the Palazzo Borghese, Florence, curated by Sarah Borgiotti
1981 – exhibition at the Collegio Alla Querce, Florence, presentation by Rosalia Benito Fanelli and Anne Bahrenburg Barbetti
1981 – exhibition and conference for American League, Park Palace, Florence, curated by Anne Bahrenburg Barbetti
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Si starà a vedere – parole sui passi”, Altralinea Edizioni, Florence, 2018
Elena Salvini Pierallini and Rita Pedullà, “Da Dentro”, edizioni CasaAbitata, Florence, 2011
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Borse Nere come Rondini”, Florence, 2009
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Covare Sassi, percorso poetico-visivo”, Florence 2004
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Finestre sull’assurdo”, Palazzo Panciatichi, via Cavour 2, Florence, presentazione in Anticamera Sala Affreschi, 11-20 Giugno 2003
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Libri in Piedi”, Maschietto editore, Florence, 2002
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Uomo-Terra-Cielo”, in “Giornale di Astronomia”, Florence, 1999
Elena Salvini Pierallini, “Esprimere il Tempo”, Morgana Edizioni, Florence, 1996
Rossella Capuano, “T.E.S.S.E.R.E. – parole di tessuto il filo della comunicazione tra terapia e didattica”, Roma, Franco di Mauro Editore, 2021, pp. 49, 73, 80, 122
“Lara-Vinca Masini – Scritti scelti 1961-2019, Arte Architettura Design Arti applicate” – curated by Alessandra Acocella and Angelika Stepken, edizione Gli Ori, 2020, pp. 343-344
“De Amicitia”, curated by Sandra Landi, Nicomp Laboratorio Editoriale, 2016, pp. 27-28, 93
“Donne dell’Arte in Toscana 2013”, Collana Artisti di Toscana diretta da Fabrizio Borghini, Masso delle Fate Edizioni, 2013, pp. 190-191
“Dove sta ‘Za’?” – 110 artisti per 110 anni di Cesare Zavattini, curated by Paolo della Bella and Aldo Frangioni, editore Cadmo, 2012, p. 29
“F-utili gioielli per Emergency e…libri d’artista”, Quaderno nr. 3, Edizioni Futileeutile, 2011, p. 87
“Noi che ci siamo scritte…”, curated by Sandra Landi and Aglaia Viviani, Nicomp L.E., 2011
“Donna Oggi”, in the language of Soroptimist artists in Italy, curated by Club Roma Tiber, 2010, pp. 96-97
“Luna e l’Altro” – texts by 50 authors and works by 50 artists, curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier and Sandra Landi, Morgana Edizioni, 2009, p. 93
“Raccontare d Scienza e di Mistero”, curated by Sandra Landi, Morgana Edizioni, 2008
“EEA21 – We love the earth”, 2007, p. 85
Francesca Rigotti, “La Filosofia delle piccole cose”, Interlinea edizioni Novara, 2004, illustrations by Elena Salvini Pierallini
Andra Nelki, “Via Masaccio 44, una casa di cose”, 2003
Alessandra Borsetti Venier, “Abbecedari per il 2000” n. 7, Elena Salvini Pierallini (“Ventisei lettere dell’alfabeto”), Vittore Collina (“Una parola da cancellare”), Ernestina Pellegrini (“Ventisei parole da conservare”), Morgana edizioni, 2000
“GIORNALE DI ASTRONOMIA” – Journal of information culture and education of the Italian Astronomical Society, (Fabrizio Bònoli, direttore responsabile, dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna, capo redattore Achille Leani), with patronage of Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici – Napoli, assessorato dell’Identità – Comune di Napoli; promoted and implemented with the contribution of the European Secretariat for Publications (SEPS). Anno II, n. 3, 1999, in arabic language,
“Giornale di Astronomia” – Journal of information culture and education of the Italian Astronomical Society, (Fabrizio Bònoli, direttore responsabile, dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna, capo redattore Achille Leani), volume 25° – n. 1 ISSN: 0390-1106, 1999, pp. 13-18
“Il Vento dei Piccoli Giardini”, Piccolo Teatro di Ambientazione di Maria Pia Moschini per Elena Salvini Pierallini, Stampa G. Castrucci & F. Florence, 1999
Alberto Caramella, “La casa della Luce”, edizioni Polistampa, Florence 1999, pp. 146-157
Andra Nelki, “Napoli March 1999”, 1999
Rendel Simonti, “Blocconotes”, Silenzi” (in solstizi ed equinozi), 1998
Giulia Stanchina, “In Attesa, Taglio”, Morgana edizioni, 1998, esemplare n. 16/30
Annamaria Batignani Masieri, The book “Esprimere il tempo” of Elena Salvini Pierallini, in “Amici dei Musei” anno XXIII, Giugno 1997, pp. 63-64
Alessandro Vezzosi, “Appunti per Elena Salvini Pierallini a Certaldo”, 1997, pp. 67-68
Roberto Lunardi “Trasparenze e figurazioni simboliche”, in “Il bosco sacro, percorsi iniziatici nell’immaginario artistico e letterario”, curated by Elèmire Zolla and Marina Maymone Siniscalchi, editore Bastogi, 1992, pp. 26-28
Zodiaco alla finestra ESP
1982-1986 – cm 50 x 47 – ciascuno, embroidery and painting on linen canvas écru
Esercizi sulla fragilità, n. 29, ESP
1994-1996 – cm 36,5 x 24 – cardboard, leaves, cotton threads, wood, tempera
FILI E RETI all’infinito, ESP
2001 – 61×25 cm – detail of one of the 27 pages of the book that is part of the Standing Books series, cardboard, and various materials
Corazza ESP
2001 – cm 100 x 93 – pellicola trasparente, sassi, filo di cotone
Veli di cipolla, ESP
2004 – detail of a page of the book part of the series Books to browse, paper