Ecce domina partenope
21 Febbraio 2024 ore 17,30
Museo Filangieri
Via Duomo 288, Napoli
Sala Agata
a cura di
Maria Grazia Gargiulo e Wind Mill
“…I looked at all of Naples: in the immense light, delicate as that of a shell, from the green hills of Vomero and Capodimonte to the dark tip of Posillipo, it was a single sleep, a wonder without conscience…”
Anna Maria Ortese (The sea does not bathe Naples, 1953)
On February 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm, the Gaetano Filangieri Civic Museum hosted Ecce Domina Partenope curated by Maria Grazia Gargiulo and the visual artist Laura VdB Facchini, President of Wind Mill. The event program included the scheduled Talk
Women Visual Artists Database, the importance of preserving and enhancing lives dedicated to Art with Maria Grazia Gargiulo, Professor of history of applied arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples and Laura VdB Facchini, artist and president of the non-profit Wind Mill And the Art action Ecce domina Partenope, Naples told by women by Laura VdB Facchini, the participants:
Francesca Amirante – Maria Cristina Antonini – Manuela Augelli – Maria Francesca Borgogna Paola de Ciuceis – Laura Cristinzio – Elisa D’ Arienzo – Yvonne De Rosa – Ellen G. – Gabriella Ferrari Bravo – Alessandra Frosini – Clara Garesio – Graziella Melania Geraci – Diana di Girolamo – Fuani Marino -Laura Mazzella – Enza Monetti – Deborah Napolitano – Simona Ottieri – Vittoria Piscitelli – Antonella Raio – Rosy Rox – Daniela Scalese – Teresa Tauro –
The central focus of the event was Art Action with its generous protagonists: artists, writers, intellectuals, actresses…, who will express with their voice, their feelings, living, working, loving, studying and fulfilling themselves in this thousand-year-old city. They will bring their memories, symbols, objects, works, their personal point of view as women on the complexity of this wonderful city of Naples.
The Art Action Ecce Domina Partenope is part of the project DECLINAZIONE FEMMINILE/MASCHILE for the Women Visual Artists Database, which aims to stimulate questions and reflections on being male with ECCE DOMINUS and the perceptions of stereotypes and roles and achievements of the female gender in society with ECCE DOMINA.
Domina and Dominus come from Domus, with original meanings such as home, family, birthplace, school, metaphor of a common origin.
The Art Action Ecce Domina Partenope will become an Art Video curated by Laura VdB Facchini as a testimony of the performance event and will be included in the video series Ecce Domina,
The Talk presented the Women Visual Artists Database project, which involves the construction of a database conceived as an evolving archive dedicated to the work of international female artists, with a never-ending open call addressed to contemporary and twentieth-century visual artists. A non-profit project that combines the two objectives of WindMill: on the one hand, the promotion of specific studies by Art Academies and Universities, made possible thanks to the cataloging and valorization of the works and biographical profiles of the artists; on the other, the creation of a community of artists who share the experience of this database as a living organism, intended to encourage exchanges of ideas and collaborations with the aim of placing the complexity of the female artistic experience at the center of the cultural debate.
PhotoMichela Malgieri