Cristina Corradi Mello
Born in 1963
date of insertion W.A.D. 10/2021
Born in Brazil in 1963. Graduated in fine Arts UEMG Belo Horizonte year 1986.
Scholaship winner abroad awarded by Brazilian ministery of Education and Culure,
course attended at Institute for art and Restoration of Florence.Winner of several prizes in field of pictorial and graphic qualification. For the accademic and pos-accademic period I was an assistant in drawing and graphics.I participated in major events art exhibitions throught Brazil as the International Drawing Biennial in Curitiba,Contemporary Art Exhition Museum of Modern Art in Belo Horizonte ,Sao Paulo ,Goiana, recife,Ouro Preto,Rio de Janeiro and Paranà.Sine 1990 I have been working in pictorial and graphics for a Florentine companies.Participates in various art workshops and school projects in Prato and Tuscan inland.Among many participations stand out :Eccellenze Pratese ,Farseart Prato,2018 small Vitaminis CAMEc La Spezia;2017Weekend of the Contemporary arts Pistoia ;Collective Palace of Province of Parto;2016Personal exhibition of drawing Anto Gallery Pisa ;900 Museun Florence e olthers.
What I try to say in the drawings cannot be hidden behind the masks.In the drawing it does not hide,it exposes in the soul.
Workshops for children at the Municipal Library of Montemurlo-“Homage to C.Banti” and “Down the mask”
Workshop for children at the Library of Montemurlo -“Creating the World”
Since 2001
Participant in several school projects within the Primary School of Montemurlo (PO) and Prato
Since 1990
Decorator of papier-mâché masks at the company Firenze of Papier Machè www.firenzeofpapiermache.it Artistic drawing assistant throughout the academic and post-academic period
Assistant and teacher of drawing and alternative teaching material in different locations in Brazil from 1984 to 1987.
Institute for Art and Restoration-Pictorial and Graphic Techniques – Florence. Italy.
Winner of the C.A.P.E.S. Scholarship (Coordination of Personal Level Improvement
Superior) granted by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture.
High School –”Colegio Pitagoras” –Belo Horizonte- Brazil
.1984 – Assistant Drawing Course -Fundaçao EscolaGuignard- Belo Horizonte-Brazil
.1984/86 -Teacher Art Education-“Colegio Champagnat”Middle / High School Belo Horizonte -Brazil-
1984 – Teacher production of handmade paper. First week of art and culture –Caetè-Brazil
1985 -Drawing Assistant – 17th Winter Festival -Diamantina -Brazil
1985 -Teach . Course alternative / recycled material -Artistic education inArtistic in primary schools Nova Lima,Brasil
1985/90 -Drawing Teacher- “Fundaçao Escola Guignard” Belo Horizonte-Brazil
1986/87 -Drawing Teacher -Fashion Course-Federal University -Belo Horizonte Faculty of Fine Arts.
1987 – Drawing Assistant -19th Winter Festival- Sao Joao del Rei-Brazil
1988 – Drawing Assistant -20th Winter Festival – Poços de Calda -Brazil
1988 – winner of the C.A.P.E.S.Presso Scholarship -“Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro” – Florence-Italy
since 1990 –assistant and decorator, drawings and ancient paintings on papier-mâché masks At Firenze of Papier Mache- www.firenzeofpapiermache.it
from 2001 to 2013 -participant in several artistic and educational projects in the field of Art Education at the Primary and Nursery schoools of Montemurlo and Prato
2014 -workshop papier-mâché masks for children in collaboration with the Proloco Montemurlo,Italy – workshop for children in honor of C.Banti at the Municipal Library Montemurlo.
2015 – workshop for children “Creating the world” at the Municipal Library of Montemurlo – Bottle Recycling Workshop – at Coop Montemurlo.
winner of the internal exhibition of the Fundaçao Escola Guignard
Group Exhibition 40th Anniversary Fundaçao Escola Guignard-Grand Gallery . Palace of Art ,Belo Horizonte ,Brasil
Group Exhibition Galleria Banca Itaù -Belo Horizonte -Brazil.
Group Exhibition – Federal University of Ouro Preto – Brazil.
XXXVII National Art Exhibition –Goiania –Goiàs –Brazil.
VII Group exhibition “Casa dos Contos”- Ouro Preto-Brazil
XI National Exhibition of Art -Santos -Sao Paulo -Brazil.
X National Exhibition of Art –Riberao Preto –Sao Paulo –Brazil
I National exibitions of Art-Museum of Modern Art Belo Horizonte – Brazil
II National Exhibition of Art –Goiania- Brazil
VII National Biennial of Drawing –Curitiba-Paranà-Brazil
II National exhibition of Art –Mordern Art Museum–Belo Horizonte –Brazil
XVIII National exibition of Modern art –Belo Horizonte –Brazil
43° National exibitionsof Art Curitiba-Brasile
Individual Exhibition. Banca Itaù Gallery -Belo Horizonte -Brazil
44th National Exhibition of Art of Curitiba -Brazil
40th National Exhibition of Art -Recife-Brazil
Personal Exhibition of drawing and lithography-Federal University of Viçosa- Brazil
Personal Drawings and Lithographs -Center Protected area of Monteferrato- Italy
Personal drawings and collages
Hamorny-Art Objects -Prato -Collage exhibition with Cinzio Cavallarin -Central area
Protect .Monteferrato ,Italy
Personal exhibition of Drawings “Black in white”-Gallery Banti,Montemurlo
Group exhibition -Comadre- Sala Polivalente C. Banti, Municipality of Montemurlo
Personal Exhibition of Drawings and Collage-Bachereto Italy
Group exhibition Museo del Novecento Florence -“Vitamine”- Carlo Palli collection
Individual exhibition DIALOGO MUTO – Trends on View- Prato
Waste Bin Project -Prato and Forte di Marmi,Italy
Homage to Leonardo da Vinci -Mona Lisa Carlo Palli collection
Personal exhibition in Hotel Trend Montemurlo,Italy
Personaldrawing “Dialogue Muto” Anto Gallery Art, Pisa,Italy
Pistoia Contemporary Arts Week End- “Palazzi d’arte”Pistoia ,Italy
sculpture “Parco Frabbriche d’arte” Montemurlo,Italy
6A6 collective -Brazil Belo Horizonte
Exhibition group “Mostra Donne Eccellenze Pratese”- curated by Carlo Palli
Farserttiarte Gallery,Prato ,Italy
Exhibition Art,”Minima quadro 0,96 “Fiesole – Firenze curated by Franco Bertini
Participation in Pieraccioni’s film- “Se sono rose…” portrait of him as a young man
The publication of the book 4040 the war of Silence
Exhibition group, Homage a Paolo Rossi -Politeama Theater,Prato ,Italy
Museum of San Domenico Prato, artwork:”La Trinità”-Donation archive Carlo Palli
Fondazione San Niccolò,artwork:Iracondi-Inferno VIII Divine Comedy donation archive Carlo Palli collection
1986 – 100X70 CM – tempera su carta canson
Contorsione dell’anima
1987 – 25X18 CM – inchiostro di china su carta canson
Serie Bicho Comeu
2021 – 32×27 cm – tecnica mista, inchiostro su carta
Inferno Dantesco “Iracondi”
2020 – 80 x 140 cm – inchiostro di china su legno
1987 – 26 X 17 cm – inchiostro di china su carta canson