Cristiana Fasano
I was born in 1984 in Avellino (Italy). I live and work in Rome as set designer, costume designer and visual artist.
I graduated in Set Design at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome.
After the academic studies, I collaborated for two years with the Italian artist Tarshito, creating big artworks made of terracotta and ceramic, for several of his exhibitions in Italy and in India, where I have been for an artistic residency.
My artistic research has began in 2008 with performance art, participating to two group exhibitions in Rome. In 2011, probably inspired by my work as costume designer, I started to use the fabric to create my artworks, moving the first steps in Fiber Art and Textile Art.
The use of embroidery in my artworks was a real “epiphany”: I spontaneously started to embroider, unaware of any embroidery technique, and the artworks bloomed. Point by point, in the act of creation, I realized that the chosen path was not only about experimentation, but also about personal knowledge And self exploration, both as an artist and as an human being.. In the act of creation, I interrogate myself, I dig out my deepest feelings and I transform them in works or art, discovering and rediscovering the relationship with the Nature.
Most of my artworks are made with embroidery associated to different materials, objects and terracotta sculpture, to create bidimensional and tridimensional artworks. Lover of experimentation, I created textile sculpture and embroidery on RX.
My artworks was selected for contest and projects in Italy and abroad.
Academic Year 2006/2007 – Degree of Set Design – Academy of Fine Arts of Rome
– Group exhibition “The Looking Glass and Through It”, curators Olga Tolstaya and Afrodite Oikonomidou, at Museum of Art of XX-XXI centuries, Saint Petersburg, Russia;
– Group exhibition “be**pArt”, curator Gio Montez, at Atelier Montez, Rome;
– Group exhibition “INCONTRI ROMA FEST”, curators Ilaria Cappellini, Noemi Silvestroni e Lara Rongoni, at Largo Venue, Rome, Italy;
– Online group exhibition “LIBROS TEXTILES”, curator Angeles Boudevin, at Festival Experiencia Textiles, Argentina.
– Group exhibition “EX LIBRIS”, curators Virginia Carbonelli e Simona Pandolfi, at la___lineaartecontemporanea, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018/2019 – 5TH ANNUAL TRIENNIAL OF TEXTILE ART”, curator Iwona Koźbiał-Grzegorzek, at Muzeum Historyczne, Bielsko-Biała, Poland;
– Group exhibition” CORPOMENTE- ARTE E MEDICINA LAVORANO”, curator Sara Ciuffetta, at Teatro Stabile, Isola del Liri (FR), Italy;
– Group exhibition “The blood of women. Traces of red on white cloth”, curator Manuela De Leonardis, at Auditorium Vallisa, Bari, Italy;
– Group exhibition “TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018/2019 – 5TH ANNUAL TRIENNIAL OF TEXTILE ART”, curator Simonffy Márta, at Pesti Vigadò Galéria, Budapest, Hungary;
– Group exhibition “HUMANS. MINIARTEXTIL 2018”, curator Clarita Di Giovanni, at Museum of Textile, Busto Arsizio, Italy;
– Double personal exhibition “A VOLTE, SOLO UN SECONDO – Claudia Lasenna and Cristiana Fasano” for OPEN HOUSE ROME 2019, At MattoNato8, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018/2019 – 5TH ANNUAL TRIENNIAL OF TEXTILE ART”, curator Marie Martykánová , at Gallery of Moravian Museum, Uherské Hradiště, Czech republic;
– Group exhibition “HUMANS. MINIARTEXTIL 2018”, curator Clarita Di Giovanni, at Le Beffroi, Montrouge, France;
– Group exhibition “TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018/2019 – 5th Annual Triennial of Textile Art”, curator Anna Ondrušeková, at TATRA Gallery, Poprad, Slovakia;
– Personal exhibition “WINDOWS – AFTER BECHER”, curator Dino Lorusso, at RetroBar, Triggiano (BA), Italy. – Group exhibition “Tales of Trails – RAW 2018”, at Il FotoStudio, Rome.
– Group exhibition “HUMANS. MINIARTEXTIL 2018”, curator Clarita Di Giovanni, at Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy;
– Group exhibition “TEXTILE ART OF TODAY 2018/2019 – 5th Annual Triennial of Textile Art”, curator Júlia Sabová, at Danubiana Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia;
– Double personal exhibition “SONO O NON SONO A CASA – Claudia Lasenna and Cristiana Fasano” for OPEN HOUSE ROME 2018, At MattoNato8, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “The 11th International Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art “Scythia”, Kherson, Ukraine ;
– Group exhibition “INVITO A TAVOLA. MINIARTEXIL 2015”, curator Luciano Caramel, at Château du Val Fleury, Gyf-Sur-Yvette, France;
– Group exhibition “MINIARTEXIL 2015. INVITO A TAVOLA”, curator Luciano Caramel, at Le Beffroi, Montrouge, France;
– Group exhibition “ALICE IN WONDERLAND”, curator Michele von Buren, at Rvb Arts, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “RE(L)AZIONI – STRIPE ART AND ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL 2015 ”, curator Tommaso Zijno, presso Piccole Cisterne Romane, Fermo, Italy ;
– Group exhibition “MINIARTEXIL 2015. INVITO A TAVOLA”, curator Luciano Caramel, at Ex Chiesa di San Francesco, Como, Italy;
– Double Personal exhibition “RADICI E ACULEI /ROOTS & STINGS. CRISTIANA FASANO + MAD|IS|DEAD” , curator di Manuela De Leonardis, at Associazione culturale LAVATOIO CONTUMACIALE, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “UNDER THE CUTENESS”, curators Giancarlo Carpi and Graziano Menolascina, at HYBRIDA CONTEMPORANEA GALLERY, Rome, Italy;
– Personal exhibition “LE MIE RADICI CERCANO, I MIEI RAMI ATTENDONO”, curator Associazione culturale “LA buona creanza”, at Museum Area of BCC Bank, at Lavello (Italy);
– Group exhibition at VINTAGE GALLERY, Wien, Austria;
– Group exhibition at Promotion Studio of contemporary art ТРИДИС (TRIDIS), Moscow, Russia;
– Group exhibition at GALERIA PLATER, Warsaw, Poland;
– Group exhibition “ALLONS ENFANTES” at Lungara 18, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “OCCHIO MAGICO”, curator Graziano Menolascina, at Galleria de’ Portoghesi, Rome, Italy;
– Group exhibition “SALA D’ATTESA”, curator Tiziana Musi, at SALA 1, Rome, Italy .
Do you believe in what you see - 2015
2015 – 33,5X34,5X34 cm – Ricamo a mano su tessuto, specchi, legno, acrilico, luci led (Ph Francesco Amorosino)
2018 – 11X9X17 cm – Tessuto finto camoscio, gommapiuma, ovatta (Ph. Francesco Amorosino)
I cried all my eyes
2018 – 21X80X34 cm – Ricamo a mano su tessuto, terracotta bianca, filo di cotone (Ph. Francesco Amorosino)
This is Not A Mask. It's the Nature
2020 – 21X22X6 cm – Ricamo a mano su tulle
E sono più leggeri di qualsiasi cosa
2013 – 50X64X5 cm – Ricamo a mano su tessuto, pagine di dizionario (Ph. Francesco Amorosino)