I was born in a traditional family where the sons had the opportunity to choose their schools. The daughters instead had to be “orientated”.
This happens to be the reason why at the time I wasn’t allowed to attend the Arts high school and the Academy of fine arts and was therefore enrolled in a Scientific high school and then in an experimental school.
After two years of scholastic and physical issues (I used to suffer from persistent migraines), luckily my parents agreed on letting me attend a school for applied arts which included classes of general knowledge and also workshops on painting, technical drawing and interior design.
After my diploma I decided to enroll in the faculty of Sociology in Trento thanks to a scholarship with merit. During this period of time I married a person I had met in high school: he had just received a degree in Engineering (he also had to renounce to the faculty of Architecture because at the time it was considered misleading). As soon as I left my family home, a period of freedom from the rigid rules established by my parents soon started. In fact, an intense period of cultural research, backed by my husband who had a passion for architecture and art, very shortly began. He used to support me and encourage my personal research. In that period I worked as a teacher of graphical composition and photography in middle schools.
In my leisure time I used to visit art exhibitions, go to concerts and – when possible – we used to travel: Paris, Spain, Italy, in particular Città di Castello in the Umbria region to meet Burri, and of course Venice, my adoptive city. We never had enough of it. Almost every day after work we used to meet some Venetian artists (Gianni Palminteri , Pompeo Pianezzola, Luciano Vistosi, Luciana Bonfanti….), architects (Motterle, Scarpa, Bellavitis, Sandri …) and entrepreneurs such as the publishers of Electa Mimmo Zelman and Giorgio Fantoni. I was offered the opportunity to meet Balthus, Bonito Oliva and Moravia in Giorgio Fantoni’s home in Venice. We used to discuss the meaning of art and the spiritual and communicative importance of painting, music and the genius loci with them.
I always took my son with me who was born in the meantime. I went on developing my artistic research letting myself get carried away by emotions while touching and experimenting different materials. I used to combine drawing, graphical composition and the most diverse materials. I used to study light, transparencies, overlappings and then I encountered glass. I was so fascinated by this material that I wanted to know every aspect of it and its fragility in order to be able to handle it and create on my own so to become my job: artistic blown glass windows. In those years I had an on‐the‐job training in a glass master’s workshop: I worked a lot before he accepted that a woman desired dealing with a job traditionally considered for men only. Yet, I was so determined that I learnt all the techniques to handle and cut glass manually.
I’ve always had to struggle in order to show that my job is worthy for what it is, beyond the fact of being a woman. This difficulty could possibly be the reason that has motivated me to become part of the association “Woman calls woman” and actively participate in a counseling help desk dedicated to girls ‐ organised in the high schools in Vicenza. I am always happy when I come into my atelier! I create intensely, my craving for communication expresses itself on canvas, glass and other materials so I can follow my beliefs. Nothing has ever stopped me, neither what is considered positive such as having my children, nor what is negative such as cancer which I had to deal with. I began to exhibit my works of art only in 2010 since I had never had the courage to do it before then.
I thought it looked like showing off! Instead, after a period of therapy when I finally won my own fears, I managed to initiate an intense series of exhibitions. I understood that communicating via art is an exchange which enhances both the author and the observer, in the same way my masters shaped and enriched my artistic path. At present, if I recall all the efforts and energy I put into finding the time to express myself as an artist, I feel I can continue asserting myself as a woman who can freely express her own artistic inclinations without giving away my family affections which for me (I imagine it is the same for many women) are likewise important.
Collettiva “Christmas Art Market” Ca’ Sagredo Hotel (VE), Dic. 2020
Collettiva “Donne del Vetro” Borgo degli artisti Bienno (BS), Ott.-Nov. 2020
Collettiva “Stendardi” Officine Forte Marghera (VE), Set.-Ott. 2020
Collettiva “Riflessioni e trasparenze” Pardes Mirano (VE), Set.-Nov. 2020
Collettiva “Festival Art’s Connection” Villa Heriot Isola della Giudecca (VE), Ago.-Ott. 2020
Collettiva “Uomo, Terra, Infinito” Biblioteca Umanistica (MI), Ott. 2019
Collettiva “VITRUM” Rho Fiere (MI), Ott. 2019
Collettiva “Festival del vetro ediz. 2019” Palazzo Vendramin Calergi (VE), Giu.-Set. 2019
Collettiva “Tintoretto. Tra realtà e magia” Galleria Art.U. (VI), Apr. 2019
Collettiva di “Galleria La Telaccia, Torino” Art Innsbruck Fiere, (Austria), Gen. 2019
Collettiva “”A new tourism model to give local residents a voice. Murano e Matera, Italy” Italian
Cultural Institute of Chicago (USA), Nov. 2018
Personale “In viaggio” Piazza dei Signori (VI), 14 Sett. – 13 Ott. 2018
Personale “Trasparenze” Campo S. Giovanni in Bragora (VE), Giu. Sett. 2018
Opera unica “Un nido di perle” Museo del Vetro di Murano (VE), Mag. Giu. 2018
Collettiva “Uni-versi 2018” Art Gallery Fadibè (ME), Mag. Giu. 2018
Collettiva “Periferie urbane-periferie umane” San Donato Milanese (MI), Gen.-Feb. 2018
Collettiva “Brothers in Art – Artisti dalla 57° Biennale d’arte di Venezia” Vicenza, Dic. 2017 – Gen.
Collettiva “Miro Persolja ospita A.Trevisan” 57° Biennale d’Arte di Venezia, Ca’Zenobio (VE), Nov.
Collettiva “L’ombra del Moloch” a cura di A.R. Rossi, Palermo, Ott. 2017
Personale “Vita” Ca’ Zenobio, Venezia, Set. Ott. 2017
Collettiva “Charter” diretta da Giorgio Gregorio Grasso, Magazzini del Sale, Venezia, Mag.-Ago.
Personale “Refectory”, Ca’ Zenobio, Padiglione Nazionale Armenia, 57° Biennale d‘Arte, Venezia, Mag.-Ott. 2017
Personale “Antonia Trevisan”, & Art Gallery, Vicenza, Mar. 2017
Collettiva “Mostra d’arte contemporanea e design” Palazzo Saluzzo, Genova, Mar. 2017
Collettiva “Imago Misericordiae”Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Incoronata, Milano, Nov.-Dic. 2016
Personale “Donne inquiete – il teatro dei capelli” Winter hair concept, Trieste, Ott. 2016
Istallazione site specific “Restitution” 1° Biennale Arte Dolomiti, Cibiana di C. (BL) Mag. –Ott. 2016
Video intervista “Cicatrices” DI J. Ph. Assal e O. Horn, Genève (CH), Mag. 2016
Personale “Emersioni” Villa Thiene di A. Palladio, Quinto Vicentino (VI), Mag. – Giu. 2016
Collettiva ‘Remembering Henry James’, Biblioteca Civica Berno, Genova, Mag. 2016
Collettiva “Woman – Donna”, – Italia Arte – Museo MIIT, Torino, Mar. 2016
Collettiva ‘Friends-Free ends’, Officina delle Zattere, Venezia, Dic. 2015
Personale “Vita”, Museo di Mineralogia Università di Trieste, Nov. 2015
Collettiva ‘Solanum Nichtshade-Piante della notte’, Orto botanico di Brera, Milano, Dic. 2015
Personale ‘Le erbe di Glauco’, Milano, Ott. 2015
Personale ‘Il profumo della luce’, Orto Botanico-Giardino dei Semplici, Firenze, Set. 2015
Personale ‘Bondless’, Magazen dell’Arte, Venezia, Lug.-Ago. 2015
Personale ‘La mia laguna’, Centro culturale Don Orione-Artigianelli, Venezia, Giu. 2015
Collettiva ‘Custodire il creato – coltivare l’umano’, Chiostro di San Lorenzo, Vicenza, Mag.-Giu.
Opera unica ‘Un quadro al mese’, Ass. Cult. RO.SA.M-Artigianelli, Venezia, Apr.- Mag. 2015
Collettiva ‘Emozioni incancellabili’, Palazzo Valmarana-Braga, Vicenza, Mar. 2015
Collettiva ‘Oltre il segno’, Palazzo Stella, Satura Art Gallery, Genova, Nov.-Dic. 2014
Collettiva ‘It is art that makes life’, Palazzo Pelagio, Firenze, Nov.-Dic. 2014
Collettiva ‘La dimora dei cronomi’, Museo civico S.Agostino, Genova, Ott.-Nov. 2014
Collettiva ‘Our doubt is our passion…’, Galleria 166A, Firenze, Giu.-Lug. 2014
Permanente ‘Saturno, non sempre dal Cuore Roccioso’, Osservatorio Astronomico di Genova,
Personale ‘Dialogo a 3’, Galleria Punto Ottico, Vicenza, Giu.-Lug. 2014
Collettiva ‘Gradiva. Da opera a opera via Jensen-Freud’, Università di Milano, Mag. 2014
3a Biennale internazionale di Asolo (Tv), Convento SS. Pietro e Paolo, Mag.-Giu. 2014
Collettiva ‘… incontri. 3 Artisti in galleria’, Paola Bicego Gallery, Padova, Feb. 2014
Personale Galleria Contrà Barche, Vicenza, Dic. 2013
Collettiva ‘Gruppo Boiler’, Galleria Calcagno Art Studio, Venezia, Nov.-Dic. 2013
Collettiva, Espace du Nouveau Vallon, Genève (CH), Nov. 2013
Collettiva ‘Galleggio Onda di Fiati’, Domus Ars, Napoli, Lug. 2013
Personale ‘L’arte della trasmutazione’, Ca’Bonvicini, Padiglione Nazionale Costarica, 55° Biennale d’Arte, Venezia, Mag.-Nov.2013
Collettiva ‘I merli hanno l’animo creativo’,Castello inferiore di Marostica (VI), Mar.- Apr. 2013
Collettiva ‘Donne inquiete’, Stazione Ferroviaria, Trieste, Mar.-Mag. 2013
Personale ‘Synaptic space’, Officina delle Zattere, Venezia, Mar.-Apr. 2013
Collettiva ‘La Cina che non conosci’, Circolo Arti Figurative, Empoli, Gen.-Feb. 2013
Personale ‘Selezione 2013’, Attico Summano, Schio (VI), Mar.-Mag. 2013
Personale ‘Incontri d’acqua’, Galleria Immagine Colore, Genova, Lug. 2012
Collettiva ‘Emozioni’, Palazzo Albrizzi, Venezia, Giu.-Lug.. 2012
Collettiva ‘Sinfonie Cromatiche’, Scoletta S.G.Battista, Venezia, Giu. 2012
Personale ‘Omaggio a Marietta Tintoretto’, Chiostro Madonna dell’Orto, Venezia, Mag. 2012
Collettiva ‘Hangzhou-Immagine’, Museo Leonardesco di Vinci (FI), Mag. 2012
Collettiva ‘Hangzhou-Immagine’, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze, Apr.-Mag. 2012
Collettiva ‘Painting through the window’, Vetrine di Venezia, Apr. 2012
Collettiva ‘Transportation’, Biblioteca Civica, Breganze (VI), Gen.-Feb. 2012
Collettiva ‘Seguendo il cammino di Marco Polo’, Fond. Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia, Nov. 2011
Personale ‘11.11.11.’, La Vigna, Casa Gallo – App. Scarpa, Vicenza, Nov. 2011
Collettiva ‘Dalla parola all’arte libera’, Galleria Art.ù, Vicenza, Sett. 2011
Collettiva ‘Jesolo Arte’, Jesolo (Ve), Luglio – Sett. 2011
Residenza ‘100 Pittori sul cammino di Marco Polo’, EXPO Venezia, Hangzhou (Cina), Lug. 2011
Collettiva ‘Di generazione in generazione’, San Silvestro, Vicenza, Mag. – Giu. 2011
Collettiva ‘Riverberi di luce’, Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso, Mar. – Apr. 2011
Collettiva ‘Sentiero Segreto’, Spazio Misael, Vicenza, Dic. 2010 – Feb. 2011
Personale ‘Antonia Trevisan’, Fabbrica Saccardo, Schio (VI), Set. 2010
Personale ‘Tracce, l’ospitalità della materia’, San Silvestro, Vicenza, Mag.-Giu. 2010
2018 – D. 95cm – Filo di ferro ruggine
Les oiseaux qui chantent
2017 – 140X150 – Olio catrame su tela di canapa
Pagine 1-2
2020 – 98×100 – Tecnica mista, carta, olio su tela
Biennale Venezia 2017 Padiglione Armenia
2017 – 139×152 – Tecnica mista olio, catrame su tela di canapa