I am Ankie van Dijk. I was born in the Netherlands in Tilburg.. Since 1973 I have been living in Baarle-Nassau, a village on the Dutch/Belgian border.
You can find more information through my website: avandijk.exto.nl, and on Facebook.
Already as a child I had the need to be creative, working with materials like paper, and drawing.
Since 1991 I have been taking a watercolor painting course in Baarle-Nassau.
In 1996 I switched to the IKO academy in Hoogstraten, Belgium. After two years of general basic techniques, I took the advanced painting program there from 1998 to 2004.
During that time for me, collage technique by way of sketching has evolved into an independent art form, using found paper, cardboard, plastic. All in small scale.
From 2011, the emphasis has increasingly shifted to painting. The collage techniques have developed into a more graphic form, and I started experimenting by distorting printed text on paper (for example old books) by using. scissors and paste t, making certain structures visible, and turning existing text info graphic forms.
The next step was using paper artworks as a source of inspiration for simple graphic drawings. Since 2014 I have been useingcarbon paper, among other things. In this way I can let coincidence play along and use repetition, which in turn creates structures.
Working with paper material (collages, graphic drawings) led to other works, making use of found material, as old bookcovers, paper, boxes, thread, little pieces of metal and more. Always in small sizes. At first only two-dimensional, later also three-dimensional. It’s all about experimenting, having fun, playing with all kind of materials.
In all art forms I strive for austerity in technology and materials and try to create a fascinating image with as few interventions as possible. Simplicity, silence and tranquility are the words that typify my work.
One of my influences (the first who came in mind) is Marthe Wéry, a Belgian woman, who lived from 1930 until 2005. I saw an exhibition of her works on paper years ago. I was touched by her subtle works. Small and striking. Working in this way was not new for me, but seeing here small works convinced me of the power of this subtle and pure works. She made monochrome paintings beside drawings on paper with ink.Texts of among others French artist Henri Matisse and the American writer Gertrude Stein were used in her drawings.Another artist I admire is Anni Albers. I first discovered her through my interest in the Bauhaus, the revolutionary school for artists, architects and industrial designers in Germany from 1919 until 1933. She entered the weaving workshop in 1922, and got her degree. Later in her life she became interested in print media, lithography and screen printing,.making use of typewriters too. She lived from 1899 until 1976
2021 – Independent artist, visual arts.
1981 – Schoevers. Tillburg, the Netherlands. Administrative training.
1998 – 2004 – Art academy ‘IKO’. Hoogstraten Belgium. Painting.
2021 – Book: ‘Judith. Woman making visual poetry’. A 21st century anthology edited by Amanda Earl. Visual poetry by 36 women from 21 countries. Publisher and designer Joakim Norling.Timglaset Editions. Malmo, Sweden.
2021 – ToCall magazine, Issue no. 14.. Edited and designed by Petra Schulze Wollgast. Published by Plaugolt Satzwechsler, Germany.
One of the contributors of graphic work.
2019 – Powidoki, an avant garde Polish art magazine. Publisher: Akademia Sztuk Pieknych, Lodz Poland.
Mentioned by Dr. Anna Klos: graphic artist, academic lecturer, curator of exhibitions.With photograph.
2019 – Catalogue. BILA 2019. Biennale Internatizionale del Libro d’Artista. Archvio Internazionale Art Gallery Museum NabilaFluxus. Curated by Virginia Milici.
2011 – 2019 – Several catalogues Mail art exhibitions. Curated and organized by mr. Colori, the Museum of Instant Images. Chaam, the Netherlands.
2021 – Perpignan (France), group-exhibtion
2020 – Baarle-Nassau (Netherlands), solo-exhibition
2020 – Warsaw (Poland), group-exhibition
2019 – Den Bosch (Netherlands) ), group-exhibition
2019 – Treviso (Italy), group-exhibition
2019 – Warsaw (Poland) ), group-exhibition
2017 – Geldrop (Netherlands), group-exhibition
2017 – Baarle-Nassau (Netherlands) ), group-exhibition
2016 – Waalwijk (Netherlands), solo-exhibition
2016 – Heeswijk Dinther (Netherlands), group-exhibition
2015 – Oud-Turnhout (Belgium), group-exhibition
2015 – Nuenen (Netherlands), group-exhibition
2012 – Zondereigen (Belgium), two artists exhibition.
Blue and black
11x17cm – Acryl paint on fabric 2021
Green thread
15x9cm – Cardboard and thread 2020
15x10cm – Paper postcard 2021
Red and grey
13x17cm – Acryl paint on paper 2021
Red stripe
9x9cm – Cardboard and paper 2020